Eastern Herb Groups        

1. Exterior Clearing   

These herbs expel and clear external pathogenic factors in the superficial region of the body. Generally they are pungent in flavor.
    External pathogenic factors usually include a Wind component as Wind can penetrate the Wei Qi and block the usual flow of energy at the most external level- the Tai Yang level. The Tai Yang level corresponds to the Bladder and Gall bladder channels which cover the back of the neck. The external pathogenic factors invade beneath the skin causing exterior symptoms, such as stiff neck, chills and fever, headaches and general muscle aches. The chills and fever and headaches are a sign of the battle raging as the body defends itself. The muscle pain in other parts of the body are caused by sluggish circulation as the body draws energy from other regions. Or locally as a direct consequence of the pathogens blocking circulation.
    The functions of the Lungs include control of Wei Qi and the pores of the skin. It's action is said to be a dispersing action. When this dispersing action is impaired, it can be cleared by diaphoretic action. As the pores are opened energy is pushed through, clearing the superficial region of pathogenic factors and then reinforcing the Wei Qi. The action tends to radiate Yang Qi (Wei Qi is mostly composed of Yang Qi) and reinforce the Wei Qi which has the effect of breaking external energy attachments, centering the person quite well and flushing out the lymphatic/digestion/sinus phlegm which has accumulated though the external attachment.
   Internal pathogenic factors residing just beneath the skin and in the musculoskeletal system are also treated using exterior clearing herbs. These herbs open the pores and promote eruptions, allowing the pathogens to escape. eg Heat rashes, Summer Heat eruptions. Arthralgic Wind Dampness is also treated with exterior clearing herbs.
    Some of the herbs also have the effect of promoting the descending function of the Lung, relieving cough and asthma, and benefiting the Lung Qi action of dispersing to treat cough or dyspnea  Often they induce diuresis to reduce edema. Some also treat internal conditions such as arthralgic Wind Dampness which is vented through the pores.
     According to their properties, diaphoretics are divided into two groups - Warm and Cool in nature.  The dosage of this class of drugs should be just the right amount and as soon as the patient's condition is better, diaphoretics should be discontinued. Otherwise, excessive sweating may lead to consumption of Yang Qi and impairment of the body fluid.
For Exterior deficiency syndrome with spontaneous seating, fever due to Yin deficiency, consumption of deficiency of the body fluid in the later stage of febrile diseases, and for bleeding, chronic suppurative infection on the skin such as sores, carbuncles, and stranguria, diaphoretics should be used cautiously or avoided altogether. Most these drugs have an aromatic constituents. So to prevent decrease in efficacy, long period of boiling should be avoided.

a) Exterior Clearing- Warming  
Herbs of this kind have strong dispersing actions, chiefly for dispersing Wind Cold. They are indicated for exterior syndromes due to affection by Wind Cold Exopathogens with aversion to cold, slight fever, headache, body and neck pains, absence of thirst, thin and white coating on the tongue, and floating and tense pulse. Some of these herbs can be used for cough due to Wind Cold, arthralgia due to Wind Cold Dampness, and edema accompanied by exterior syndromes. Examples are:
Ephedra sinica- Ma huang
Cinnamon twigs- Gui zhi
Perilla fructescens- Zi su ye- Perilla leaf
Schizonepeta tenuifolia- Jing jie
Ledebouriella divaricata- Siler- Fang feng
Notopterygium incisum- 羌活 Qiāng Huó- Notopterygium
Ligusticum sinense- Gao ben- Ligustricum root
Angelica dahuria- Bai zhi- Angelica root
Asarum heterotropoides- Wild Ginger- Xi xin
Zingiber officinale- Fresh Ginger- Sheng jiang
Allium fistulosum- Cong bai- Spring Onion
Elsholtzia splendens- 香薷 Xiāng rú- Aromatic madder
Coriandrum sativum- Yan sui- Coriander
Tamarix chinensis-Tamarix- Xi he liu
Magnolia liliflora- 辛夷花 Xīn yí huā- Mulan magnolia bud

b) Exterior Clearing- Cooling  
Herbs of this kind usually have pungent or bitter flavours and Cold or Cool properties. Their diaphoretic action is comparably mild and they are mainly used for expelling pathogenic Wind Heat. These drugs are indicated for Exterior syndrome due to affection by Wind Heat exopathogens with symptoms and signs of high fever with slight aversion to Cold, thirst with or without Heat, white thin dry coating on the tongue, floating and rapid pulse, etc. Some of these Herbs can by used for the treatment of measles. In clinical practice, they are usually used in combination with Heat clearing Herbs. Examples are:
Mentha arvensis- 薄荷 Bò hé- Peppermint
Arctium lappa- 牛蒡子 Niú Bàng Zi Burdock fruit
Cryptotympana pustulata- 蝉蜕 Chán tuì- Cicada shell
Morus alba- 桑树 Sāng shù- Mulberry Leaf,
Chrysanthemum morifolium- 菊花 Jú huā- Mulberry leafed chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum indicum- 野菊花- Yě jú huā- Wild chrysanthemum flowers
Vitex trifolia- 蔓荊子 Màn Jīng Zǐ- Chaste tree
Glycine max- 淡豆豉 Dàn Dòu Chǐ- Prepared soybean- Fermented
Spirodela polyrhiza
- 浮萍 Fú píng- Duckweed,
Equisetum hyemale
- 木賊 Mù zéi- Common souring rush
Eriocaulon buergerianum- 谷经草 Gǔ Jīng Cǎo- Eriocaulon flower
Pueraria pseudohirsuta- 葛根 Gé gēn- Pueraria
Bupleurum chinense- 柴胡 Chái hú- Bupleurem
Actaea cimicifuga- 升麻 Shēng má- Skunk Bugbane.
2. Descending     

Herbs which either stimulate or lubricate the bowels to facilitate the expulsion of stool are classed as descending. Constipation and sluggishness of the bowel causes gradual accumulation of toxins in the body leading to many diseases. Descending herbs have the effect of activating the descending function of the bowels, clearing away Heat, purging Fire, dispelling retained fluid and reducing edema. They are indicated for interior Heat syndromes of excess type marked by dry stool They are indicated for interior syndromes of Excess type marked by dry stool, constipation, food stagnation, accumulation of heat of excess type in the interior, edema and fluid retention. Descending drugs are divided into three types

a) Lubricating mild laxatives - These herbs lubricate the bowel. Most herbs of this type are seeds or nuts rich in oil, and have the effects of relieving dryness and loosening the bowels, softening the stool, and promoting bowel evacuation. These herbs are suitable for constipation caused by deficiency of body fluid, Yin deficiency and Blood deficiency in patients who are elderly, weak, suffering from protracted illness or postpartum patients. Examples:
Cannabis sativa- 火麻仁 Huǒ má rén- Cannabis Seed
Prunus japonica- 鬱李仁 Yù lǐ rén- Bush Cherry Seed

b) Cooling purgatives -
Drugs of this type are bitter in flavour, cold in property and have effects of loosening the bowels and purging fire. They are effective for interior syndrome of excess type manifested as accumulation of Heat of excess type, dry stools and constipation. They are also effective for affection by epidemic febrile diseases with high fever, unconsciousness, delirium and madness, or for headache, blood- shot eyes, gum swelling and pain due to flaring up of fire. Purgatives are often used in combination with drugs for promoting the flow of Qi and heat clearing drugs to reinforce their actions of purgation and elimination of Heat. Chinese medicine says that there is no pain from the six FU organs when there is no obstruction. Since purgatives are usually potent in actions, they should be used cautiously for patients suffering from Vital energy deficiency after chronic illnesses and for the aged and the weak and for women who are in pregnancy, postpartum or menstrual period.
These herbs are used to treat constipation due to stagnation of fluids. They tend to have a harsh nature and act to drive out excess moisture.  Drugs of this type have a very strong purgative action and can cause serious diarrhea to discharge the retained body fluid with stool. Some of them have diuretic action and are therefore effective for edema, hydrothorax and ascites, and dyspnea due to retention of Phlegm and fluid. Because these drugs have toxicity, over dosage should be avoided and attention should be paid to their processing, compatibility, usage and contraindications. For patients with serious conditions, they should be dispensed, according to the actual circumstances, in combination with tonics to achieve the result of purging out the pathogenic factors and reinforcing the body resistance. Examples are:
Rheum tanguticum- 大黄 Dà huáng- Rhubarb
Aloe vera- 芦荟 Lú huì- Aloe

c) Cathartic hydrogogues - Herbs of this type have a very strong eliminating action, driving out excess retained water and stools. Some also have a diuretic action. They are useful for treating edema and fluid retention in the thoracic (pleurisy) or abdominal cavities (ascites). These herbs have some toxicity and a harsh nature, so care should be used in prescribing them. Since they can injure Yin and Qi, often tonics are prescribed with them, to reinforce the body.
Purgatives, and Cathartic hydragogues, especially the latter, have potent actions and exert prompt effects, but they are apt to result in impairment of the genuine Qi, The action of lubricating laxatives are mild and they do not have the disadvantage of causing impairment of the genuine Qi. When purgatives are considered, attention should be pain to the following, in cases of interior syndrome of excess type accompanied with exterior syndrome, usually the exterior syndrome should be treated first, or if necessary, interior and exterior syndromes are treated simultaneously. For patients with interior syndrome of excess type accompanied with Qi Deficiency, reinforcement with tonics as well as elimination with purgatives should be given in combination. Purgatives tend to cause impairment of the Stomach Qi, and therefore, they should be discontinued as soon as the symptoms are relieved. Over dosage of purgatives must be avoided. Examples:
Senna alexandrina- 番泻叶 Fān xiè yè- Senna Leaf
Sodium sulphate 芒硝 Máng xiāo- Natural sodium sulphate
Ipomoea nil    Qiān niú zǐ  Morning glory flower

3. Heat Clearing- Clearing internal heat      
a) Clear Heat- Quench Fire  
When External pathogenic factors penetrate through the Wei level into the Qi level in the four level system, where there is high fever. Sweating is no longer effective. The movement from the exterior to interior is also an indication of the increasing chronicity  of the disease.
    The coolest herbs in the materia medica are used to clear excessive Heat in this level, which manifests as high fever, irritability, thirst and delirium, sweating, scanty dark urine, yellow dry coating on the tongue, full and forceful pulse.
These herbs have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and anti-microbial functions.
These herbs may also be used for  Internal Heat of any other cause. Yin nourishing herbs are added for Empty internal heat.
The mention of Fire in this category indicates that the Internal Heat is flaring, and perhaps rising upwards in the body. Examples:
Hydrated Calcium Sulphate- Ca SO4.2H2O- 石膏 Shí gāo- Gypsum
Anemarrhena asphodeloides- 知母 Zhī mǔ- Anemarrhena rhizome
Gardenia jasminoides- 栀子 Zhī zǐ- Cape jasmine
Lophatherum gracile- 淡竹叶 Dàn Zhú Yè- Bamboo grass
Prunella vulgaris- 夏枯草 Xià kū cǎo- Selfheal spike
Sodium Bicarbonate- 寒水石 Hán Shuǐ Shí- Calcitum- NaHCO3
Nelumbo nucifera- 蓮子心 Lián zǐ xīn- Plumule- Green bud of a ripe dry lotus seed
Phragmites communis- 芦根 Lú gēn- Reed grass- Phragmites
Senna tora- 决明子 Jué míng zĭ- Cassia seed
Celosia argentea- 青葙子 Qīng xiāng zǐ- Feather cockscomb  
Buddleja officinalis- 密蒙花 Mì méng huā- Pale butterfly bush- Buddleja
Vespertilio murinus- 夜明砂 Yè míng shā- Bat menure
Ursus thibetanus- 熊胆  Xióng dǎn- Asian black bear gall bladder
Nervilia fordii- 青天葵 Qīng tiān kuí- Ford's orchid

b) Clear Heat- Cool Blood      
Heat in the blood occurs when a febrile disease enters the blood level, which is often the most serious stage of an infectious disease or its sequelae. When the blood becomes hot it moves recklessly. The Energy, which usually controls the blood (like a train driver controls a train) has less control over it and this can lead to extravasation and external bleeding, such as nosebleeds, hematemesis, spitting of blood and blood in the stool or urine. The body also uses the skin as a radiator to cool the blood and this leads to rashes. Herbs that cool the blood are also used in treating the nutritive (YING) level of a febrile disease. Signs and symptoms include night fevers, delirium, ad deep scarlet tongue. Some of these herbs also can be used to treat deficiency conditions with symptoms of low grade fever, especially in the afternoon, night sweats, dry throat, and a reddish and/or purple tongue. Examples:
Rhinoceros indicus- 犀角  Xī jiăo- Rhinoceros horn
Rehmannia glutinosa- 地黄 Dì Huáng- Rehmannia root
Scrophularia ningpoensis- 玄参 Xuán shēn- Ningpo figwort
Paeonia suffruticosa- 牡丹皮 Mǔ dān pí- Tree peony bark
Lithospermum erythrorhizon- 紫草 Zǐ cǎo- Redroot gromwell- Lithospermum- Arnebia root
Lycium chinense- 地骨皮 Dì gǔ pí- Wolfberry root bark
Cynanchum atratum- 白薇 Bái wēi- Swallowwort root, Cynanchum
Stellaria dichotoma- 銀柴胡 Yín chái hú- Stellaria root

c) Clear Heat- Dry Dampness      
Damp heat impediments cause: dysenteric disorders, urinary difficulty or pain, jaundice, furuncles and eczema. Most of these herbs have bitter and cold properties as they clear Heat and drain Dampness. They have anti microbial, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory actions. In treating they are often combined with herbs that drain Fire and those that clear Heat and relieve toxicity. They are contraindicated in cases of Spleen or Stomach deficiency. Herbs include:
Scutellaria baicalensis- 黄芩 Huáng Qín- Baical scullcap root- Scutellaria
Coptis chinensis- 黄连 Huáng Lián- Coptis
Phellodendron chinense- 黄柏 Huáng Bǎi- Phellodendron
Gentiana scabra- 龙胆草 Lóng dǎn cǎo- Japanese gentian
Sophora flavescens- 苦参 Kǔ shēn- Yellow Sophora
Fraxinus rhynchophylla- 秦皮 Qín pí- Ash Tree
Picrorhiza kurroa- 胡黃連 Hú huáng lián- Picrorrhiza

d) Clear Heat- Neutralise Toxins      
    These herbs have the action of clearing away pathogenic fire and Heat and subduing pyogenic infections. They are mainly indicated for syndromes caused by pathogenic Heat, such as epidemic febrile diseases, sores and carbuncles, furuncles and swelling, erysipelas, maculas and eruptions, swollen and sore throat, mumps etc. Neutralizing toxins indicates an ability to reduce swelling and promote pus drainage. The toxins are thought to result from the battle between the body and external pathogenic factors.
Since all these herbs have cool or Cold properties, it is inadvisable to use them for Cold syndromes. Herbs include:
Lonicera japonica- 金银花 Jīn yín huā- Honeysuckle flower
Forsythia suspensa- 连翘 Lián qiáo- Weeping Forsythia dry fruit
Isatis tinctoria- 大青葉 Dà qīng yè- Dyer's woad leaf
Isatus tinctoria- 板藍根 Bǎn lán gēn- Dyer's woad root
Taraxacum mongolicum- 蒲公英 Pú gōng yīng- Whole Dandelion
Viola japonica- 紫花地丁 Zǐ huā dì dīng- Yedeon's Violet
Patrinia scabiosifolia- 败酱草 Bài jiàng cǎo- Patrinia
Lygodium japonicum- 海金沙 Hǎi jīn shā- Japanese climbing fern
Andrographis paniculata- 穿心蓮 Chuān xīn lián- Andrographis
Oldenlandia diffusa- 白花蛇舌草 Bái huā shé shé cǎo- Oldenlandia
Elephantopus scaber- 丁蜀秀 Dīng shǔ xiù, Di dan cao- Elephant's Foot
Pulsatilla chinensis- 白头翁 Bái tóu wēng- White Anemone, Pulsatilla root
Brucea javanica- 鸭蛋子 Yā dǎn zi- Macassar kernels
Portulaca oleracea- 马齿苋 Mǎ Chǐ Xiàn- Common purslane
Dictamnus dasycarpus- 白藓皮 Bái xiān pí- Dittany Bark
Smilax glabra- 土茯苓 Tǔ Fú Líng- Smooth Greenbrier, Smilax
Blechnum orientale- 乌毛蕨的嫩叶 Dōng Fāng Wū Máo Jué Yè, 东方 Guàn Zhòng- Fish fern, Blechnum
Lasiosphaera fenzlii- 马勃 Mǎ bó- Lasiosphaera
Belamcanda chinensis- 射干 Shè gàn- Blackberry lily rhizome
Sophora tonkinensis- 山豆根 Shān dòu gēn- Sophora root

e) Clear Heat- Clear Summer Heat     
This category treats Internal heat and Dampness associated with Hot and Damp environments, manifesting as Headaches, dislike of heat, persiration, nausea vomiting and diarrhea. Thirst and lethargy/irritability. Tongue -Red body with yellow coat and a rapid pulse. These herbs have an antipyretic and diuretic action, and also function to produce fluids. Herbs include:
Nelumbo nucifera- 荷叶 Hé yè- Lotus leaf
Vigna radiata- 绿豆 Lǜ dòu- Green Mung bean
Citrullus vulgaris- 西瓜 Xī Guā- Watermelon flesh
Dolichos lablab- 白扁豆 Bái Biǎn Dòu- Dry Hyacinth bean
Artemisia annua- 青蒿 Qīng hāo- Sweet wormwood

f) Clear Deficient Heat     
Five Hearts Hot (Soles of Hands and Feet and Face/Chest) Sore throat, light and intermittent fever, dryness of mouth and throat (indicating body fluids are depleted). Mental irritability, fast and thin pulse and no coat on red bodied tongue.

4. Diuretic   
Inducing diuresis and excreting Dampness: Drugs of this type can increase the amount of urine and make micturition easy, and as a result, the water Dampness in the body can be excreted out through urination. Some of these drugs also have the effects of eliminating dam-heat. These drugs are indicated for dysuria, edema, stranguria, phlegm retention, Damp-warm syndrome, jaundice, exudation wound, etc. Most drugs of this type are sweet or tasteless in flavour and neutral, cool or cold in property. Because "tasteless drugs can excrete Dampness" and this type of drugs are good at inducing diuresis and excreting dampness, they are also referred to as tasteless drugs for excreting Dampness; because drugs of cold property can clear Heat these drugs are also good at removing Damp-Heat in the lower-jiao, therefore they are also called Heat-clearing and Dampness-removing drugs; again, because these drugs are chiefly used for stranguria in clinical practice, they are also known as drugs for inducing diuresis and treating stranguria. Drugs for inducing diuresis and excreting Dampness should be used in combination with other types of drugs according to the conditions; for edema accompanied with exterior syndrome, drugs for ventilating the lung and inducing diaphoresis should be added; for protracted edema associated with insufficiency of the Spleen-yang and Kidney-Yang, drugs for warming and nourishing the Spleen and Kidney should be combined; for cases with excessive Dampness and heat, it is better to add heat-clearing and fire-purging drugs; in cases of hematuria due to impairment of the blood by noxious heat, drugs for removing heat from the blood and hemostatic drugs should be added.
This category contains herbs that remove dampness in the form of edema (swelling due to fluid retention) or urinary disorders. Herbs include:
Poria cocos- 茯苓 Fú líng- Hoelen
Polyporus umbellatus- 猪苓 Zhū líng- Umbellate Pore fungus
Alisma plantago- 泽泻 Zé xiè- Water plantain tube
Artemisia capillaris- 茵陈蒿 Yīn chén hāo- Evergreen Artemisia
Cocculus trilobus- 木防己 Mù Fáng Jǐ -Cocculus
Stephania tetrandra- 漢防己 Hàn fáng jǐ- Stephania
Hydrated Magnesium Silicate 4SiO2 3 MgO H2O 滑石 Huá shí- Talcum
Coix lachryma- 薏苡仁 Yì Yǐ Rén- Pearl Barley, Job's tears seeds
Benincasa hispida- 冬瓜 Dōng Guā- Wax Gourd
Akebia trifoliata- 白木通 Bai mù tōng- Trifoliate akebia
Tetrapanax papyrifer- 通草 Tōng cǎo- Rice paper pith, Tetrapanax
Juncus effusus- 灯芯草 Dēng Xīn Cǎo- Soft rush, Juncus
Dianthus superbus- 瞿麦 Qú mài- Proud pink
Bassia scoparia- 地膚子 Dì fū zǐ- Kochia
Polygonum aviculare- 扁蓄 Biǎn Xù- Knotgrass
Pyrrosia lingua- 石葦 Shí wěi- Tongue fern
Plantago asiatica- 车前 Chē qián- Asian Plantain
Malva verticillata- 冬葵 Dōng kuí- Winter mallow
Dioscorea collettii var. hypoglauca- 荜解 Bì xiè- Seven lobed Yam
Desmodium styracifolium- 金钱草 Jīn qián cǎo- Gum leaved tick clover
Vigna umbellata- 赤小豆 Chì Xiǎo Dòu- Adzuki bean
Zea mays- Yù Mǐ Xū- Corn silk, Stigma

5. Wind Damp Dispersing   
Drugs which can eliminate pathogenic Wind and Dampness and relieve arthralgia are referred to as antirheumatics; drugs with an aroma and with the ability to invigorate the spleen and resolve dampness are called aromatic drugs for resolving dampness; drugs which can clear and regulate water passages and excrete Dampness are known as diuretics with dampness-eliminating action. Drugs with actions of removing, resolving or excreting Dampness are collectively nominated under the terms of drugs for eliminating dampness, for they all eliminate the pathogenic Dampness in the body in one way or another. Drugs for eliminating Dampness are indicated for arthralgia-syndrome due to Wind-Cold-Dampness, edema, stranguria, jaundice, lithiasis, and other syndromes such as retention of Dampness in the middle-jiao and dysfunction of the spleen in transport, but their warming and drying properties and diuretic action are apt to result in impairment of yin and blood, so they should be prescribed cautiously to those who have syndromes of deficiency of yin and blood and impairment of body fluid. Herbs include:
Angelica pubescens- 独活 Dú huó- Downy Angelica
Gentiana macrophylla- 秦艽 Qín jiāo- Gentiana root
Clematis chinensis- 威灵仙 Wēi líng xiān- Chinese clematis
Erythrina variegata- 海桐皮 Hǎi Tóng Pí Tigers claw, Indian coral tree
Chaenomeles lagenaria-  木瓜 Mù guā-   Flowering quince fruit  
Bombyx mori- 蚕沙 Cán shā Silkworm Droppings
Acanthopanax gracilistylus- 五加皮 Wǔ jiā pí- Acanthopanax bark
Xanthium sibiricum- 苍耳子 Cāng ĕr zĭ- Cocklebur
Morus alba- 桑枝 Sāng zhī Mulberry twigs
Sigesbeckia orientalis- 豨莶草 Xī xiān cǎo- Common St. Paul's wort
Panthera tigris- 虎骨 Hǔ gǔ Tiger bone
Pinus tabuliformis- 松节 Sōng jié Chinese red pine twigs

6. Warm the interior and Expel Cold 
Drugs which can warm the interior and dispel internal cold to treat interior cold syndromes are referred to as interior warming drugs. Drugs of this class are pungent and hot in property and can disperse the cold in the interior to normalize the yang-qi or functional activity of the body. These drugs are indicated for gastric and abdominal cold pain, vomiting and diarrhea due to the attack of exogenous cold on the interior and Spleen Yang, or for aversion to cold, cold limbs, pale complexion, clear and long urination, pale tongue and thready pulse due to deficiency of Yang Qi accompanied with excessive cold in the interior. Some of these drugs have the function of recuperating depleted yang and rescuing the patient form collapse, and therefore they are indicated for yang depletion syndrome. Interior warming drugs should be dispensed toether with other types of drugs. For example, in cases of attack of exogenous cold on the interior accompanied with exterior syndrome, diaphoretics should be used as well; for accumulation of cold associated with stagnation of qi, drugs for regulating the normal flow of qi should be added; for cold syndrome due to yang deficiency, the interior warming drugs should be supplemented by warming and tonifying drugs. Interior warming drugs are pungent and hot and are liable to induce fire and cause damage to yin, they should therefore be used cautiously or should not be used altogether for heat syndromes, syndromes of yin deficiency, and for women in pregnancy. Herbs include:
Aconitum carmichaeli- 附子 Fù zǐ- Prepared Aconite root
Zingiber officinale- 干姜 Gān jiāng- Dried Ginger
Cinnamomum cassia- 肉桂 Ròu guì- Bastard Cinnamon bark
Evodia rutaecarpa- 吳茱萸 Wú zhū yú- Evodia fruit
Zanthoxylum bungeanum- 川椒 Chuān jiāo- Bunge's prickly ash pericarp
Syzygium aromaticum- 丁香 Dīng Xiāng- Clove
Foeniculum vulgare- 小茴香Xiǎo Huí Xiāng- Common fennel seed
Alpinia officinarum- 高良薑 Gāo liáng jiāng- Galangal rhizome
Piper nigrum- 胡椒 Hú jiāo- Black Pepper.

7. Aromatic Damp Resolving   
a) Aromatic drugs for resolving dampness: Drugs of this type have a pungent flavour and warm property with an aroma. They have the actions of regulating the functional activities of qi, promoting the elimination of pathogenic Dampness, invigorating the spleen and strengthening the stomach. These drugs are suitable for disturbance of the middle-jiao due to Dampness marked by epigastric dullness, abdominal distension, nausea and acid regurgitation, loose stool, anorexia, lassitude, sweet taste in the mouth, excessive salivation, whitish greasy coating on the tongue, etc. There are also indication for damp-warm syndrome and syndrome due to summer-heat and Dampness. Any of these drugs should be used in combination with other types of drugs according to the different types of pathogenic Dampness: for Cold Dampness, it is used together with drugs for warming the interior; for Damp Heat, it is used with drugs for eliminating heat and Dampness. These drugs are often used with drugs for promoting the flow of Qi, for Dampness can obstruct the normal flow of qi and the normal activities of Qi helps to resolve dampness. Besides, they are often dispensed together with drugs for strengthening the Spleen to increase the effects of resolving Dampness. These drugs have a fragrant odour and contain volatile oil, so they should not be decocted long to avoid any loss of their efficacy. Herbs include:
Agastache rugosa- 藿香 Huò xiāng- Korean Mint
Eupatorium fortunei- 佩兰 Pèi lán- Thoroughwort
Magnolia officinalis- 厚朴 Hòu pò- Magnolia
Atractylodes lancea- 苍术 Cāng zhú- Atractylodes rhizome
Amomum kravanh- 白豆蔻 Bái dòu kòu- Cardamon Seed
Alpinia katsumadai- 草豆蔻 Cǎo dòu kòu- Katsumadai seed
Amomum tsao-ko- 草果 Cǎo guǒ Red Cardamom
Amomum villosum- 砂仁 Shā rén- Cardamon

8. Qi Regulating   
Drugs whose principal action is regulating the functional activities of qi and enabling qi to flow smoothly are called drugs for regulating qi.This class of drugs have the effects of promoting the flow of qi to relieve pain, regulating the activities of qi to check upward adverse flow of qi, or removing stagnation of qi to dissolve mass. They are indicated for stagnation of qi and reversed flow of qi due to disorder of the functional activities of qi such as distending pain in the hypochondrium and breasts, hernial pain and irregular menstruation due to stagnation of the liver-qi; distending pain in the stomach and abdomen, belching and acid regurgitation due to stagnation of the spleen-qi and stomach-qi; or distress in the chest and cough with dyspnea due to impairment of the normal function of the lung in dispersing and descending qi; and nausea, vomiting and hiccup due to failure of the stomach in descending Stomach-Qi. Drugs of this class can be selected for use together with other types of drug with regard to different syndromes. In cases of disorders of functional activities of qi due to obstruction of damp phlegm in the interior, drugs for eliminating Dampness and resolving phlegm should be added; in cases of disorders of functional activities of Qi due to dyspepsia, the drug for regulating qi should be supplemented with drugs for promoting digestion; for disorders of functional activities of qi accompanied with hypofunction of the spleen and stomach, drugs for replenishing Qi to invigoration the Spleen should be added. Qi-regulating drugs are usually pungent and hot, and are apt to cause consumption of Qi and Yin. Therefore these drugs should be cautiously used for patients with deficiency of Qi or deficiency of Yin. Examples are:
Citrus tangerina- 陳皮 Chén pí- Tangerine or mandarin peel, usually aged for 3 years
Citrus tangerina- 青皮 Qīng pí- Skin of Green Tangerine or Mandarin peel
Areca catechu- 大腹皮 Dà Fù Pí- Dried Areca fruit peel
Citrus aurantium- 枳实 Zhǐ shí- Immature bitter orange
Cyperus rotundus- 香附 Xiāng Fù- Nut grass
Aucklandia lappa- 木香 Mù Xiāng- Costus root
Lindera aggregata- 烏藥 Wū Yào- Spicebush root
Aquilaria sinensis- 沉香 Chén xiāng- Agarwood
Melia toosendan 川楝 Chuān liàn- Bead Tree

9. Regulate Blood and remove Stasis  
Drugs for promoting Blood circulation and relieving blood stasis- Drugs whose principal effects are to make free the passage of blood in the vessels, promote blood circulation and disperse Blood stasis are termed as drugs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, or drugs for invigorating blood circulation and resolving blood stasis. Among them, those with strong actions of invigorating blood circulation and resolving blood stasis are habitually called potent drugs for removing blood stasis. Most drugs of this class have pungent flavour, warm property and actions of promoting blood circulation and dispersing blood stasis to clear the channels, remove obstruction of Qi and blood, reduce swelling and relieve pain. They are effective for various syndromes due to obstruction of blood circulation and retention of blood stasis in the interior, such as amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea due to blood stasis, postpartum abdominal pain due to retention of blood, masses in the abdomen, traumatic injuries, arthralgia, sores, carbuncles and other suppurative skin infections, and pain in the chest, hypochondrium and abdomen due to stagnation of Qi and blood stasis. Because Blood circulates smoothly only when Qi is in normal flow, and Blood slows down when Qi stagnates, therefore, drugs for promoting Blood circulation and eliminating Blood stasis are often used along with drugs for promoting the flow of Qi to strengthen their effects. Apart from this, other suitable drugs should be added according to the causes and symptoms of diseases. - For example, in cases of stagnation of Qi and blood stasis due to accumulation of pathogenic Cold, interior-warming drugs should be added - For pain in arthralgia-syndromes, drugs for eliminating Wind-Cold must be added. - For treating sores and other pyogenic skin infections, drugs for clearing away heat and toxins should be combined. - For the treatment of masses in the abdomen, drugs for softening and resolving hard masses and phlegm should be added. It is improper to describe this class of drugs to women with profuse menstruation. For pregnant women, these drugs should be very cautiously given or avoided altogether.

 a) Regulate Blood and remove stasis:
Ligusticum chuanxiong- 川芎 Chuān xiōng- Szechuan lovage root, Cnidium
Salvia miltiorrhiza- 丹参 Dān shēn- Red Sage root
Millettia dielsiana- 鸡血藤 Jī xuè téng- Evergreen wisteria stem
Corydalis yanhusuo- 延胡索 Yán Hú Suǒ- Corydalis tuber
Curcuma aromatica 郁金 Yù jīn- Wild turmeric
Leonurus japonicus- 益母草 Yì mǔ cǎo- Motherwort
Paeonia lactiflora- 赤芍 Chì sháo- Red peony
Prunus persica- 桃仁 Táo rén Peach kernel
Carthamus tinctorius- 红花 Hóng huā- Safflower
Curcuma zedoaria- 莪术 É shù- Zodoaria
Sparganium stoloniferum- 三棱 Sān léng- Branched burreed
Achyranthes bidentata- 怀牛膝 Huái Niú Xī- Two toothed amaranthus
Manis pentadactyla- 穿山甲 Chuān shān jiǎ- Pangolin scales

b)Regulate Blood and stop bleeding:
Hemostatics Drugs whose principal effects are to stop internal and external bleeding are called hemostatics. They have respectively the effects of stopping bleeding by removing Heat from the Blood, by astringency, by resolving Blood stasis, or by warming the channels. They are indicated for various kinds of hemorrhage, such as hemoptysis, epistaxis, hematemesis, hematuria, hemafacia, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, purpura and traumatic bleeding. Proper hemostatics should be selected according to the different causes of bleeding and actual syndromes, and they should be dispensed with other compatible drugs. -In cases of bleeding due to invasion of blood by noxious Heat, drugs for clearing away pathogenic Heat from the Blood should be added. -For bleeding with blood stasis, drugs for promoting circulation of blood and Qi should be added. -For Bleeding of Cold and Deficient nature, drugs capable of warming up YANG and dispelling Cold should be added. -For Bleeding due to the failure of QI in keeping the blood within the vessels, tonics for reinforcing Qi and activating the Spleen should be given as well. When hemostatics are used, see that the side effect of hemostasis are avoided. Should there be any sign of Blood stasis, never use drugs for removing Heat from Blood or astringent hemostatics alone.
Typha latifolia-
蒲黄 Pú Huáng- Pollen of Bulrush mace
Agrimonia pilosa- 仙鶴草 Xiān hè cǎo- Hairy agrimony
Panax pseudoginseng- 田七 Tián qī, 三七 Sān qī- Notoginseng
Bletilla striata- 白芨 Bái jí- Chinese ground orchid
Cirsium japonicum- 大蓟 Dà Jǐ- Prickly turnip
Sanguisorba officinalis- 地榆 Dì yú- Garden burnet root
Styphnolobium japonicum- 槐花 Huái huā (mi)- Japanese pagoda tree dry flower bud
Rubia cordifolia- 茜草 Qiàn cǎo- Madder root
Platycladus orientalis-柏子仁 Bǎi zǐ rén- Biota leaves
Artemisia argyi- 艾叶 Ài yè- Mugwort
Nelumbo nuciferi-藕節 Ŏu jíe- Lotus stem and root
Imperata cylindrica- 白茅根 Bái máo gēn- Cogongrass

10. Tonics   
 Drugs which can tonify the Deficient Qi, Blood, Yin And Yang of the body, enhance the body resistance to diseases, and be used in the treatment of various deficiency syndromes syndromes, or supplementing and nourish drugs. Deficiency syndromes are further divided into deficiency of Qi, of Yang, or Blood and of Yin, and accordingly, tonics are divided into four kinds; drugs for tonifying Qi, Yang, Blood and Yin. Because the Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang in the body are interdependent, Yang Deficiency is often accompanied with Qi deficiency, and in turn, Qi deficiency is most likely to develop into or lead to Yang deficiency. Yang deficiency and Qi deficiency indicates the physiological hypofunction of the body. Similarly, Yin deficiency is usually accompanied with Yin deficiency. Blood deficiency and Yin deficiency indicates the consumption of vital essence, blood and body fluid. For these reasons, drugs for tonifying Qi and Yang and drugs for tonifying blood and Yin are often used together for mutual reinforcement. In cases of Qi and Blood deficiency, or Yin and Yang deficincy, a therapy of tonifying both Qi and Blood, or both Yin and Yang, should be recommended. In case that pathogens of Shi type are still present and there is no sign of deficiency of the Vital Qi, tonics should not be used so as to avoid any interference in the elimination of pathogens which may aggravate the condition. However in cases of coexistence of pathogens and Qi deficiency, suitable tonics can be used in addition to drugs for eliminating pathogens in order to strengthen the body resistance to diseases for removing pathogens. Being used over a long period of time, some of the tonics may impede digestion, so they can be supplemented with drugs for strengthening the spleen and Stomach. Effective for deficiency conditions as they are, tonics should not be abused, for they may give rise to other problems.

a) Tonics that Tonify Qi  
 Qi tonics can invigorate the physiological function of the body, and ar mainly indicated for Qi deficiency, especially effective for Spleen Qi deficiency characterized by anorexia, loose stool, gastric and abdominal distention, lack of vitality, lassitude, edema, prolapse of rectum, and Lung Qi deficiency - characterized by short breath, disinclination to talk, breathlessness after movement, spontaneous seating etc. As adequate vital Qi can help generate blood and keep blood flowing within the vessels, Qi tonics are often used in the treatment of Blood deficiency syndromes or bleeding due to Qi deficiency. Tending to give rise to accumulation of Qi shown as distension and fullness in the chest and abdomen and anorexia, Qi tonics should be used with small amounts of other herbs for promoting circulation of Qi and digestion. Examples are:
Panax ginseng- 人參 Rén shēn- Asiatic ginseng
Codonopsis pilosula- 党参 Dǎng shēn- Codonopsis
Pseudostellaria heterophylla- 孩兒參 Hai er shen, 太子參 Tai ji shen- Pseudostellaria root
Astragalus propinquus- 黃耆 Huáng qí- Astragalus
Dioscorea oppositifolia- 山药 Shān Yao- Chinese Yam
Atractylodes macrocephala- 白术 Bái zhú White Atractylodes
Ziziphus jujuba- 大枣 Dà Zǎo- Chinese date, Jujube
Glycyrrhiza uralensis- 甘草 Gān cǎo- Chinese Licorice
Polygonatum kingianum- 滇黄精 Diān huáng jīng- King's Solomon seal
Hordeum vulgare- 饴糖 Yí Táng- Malt sugar made from cereals such as Barley, Rice, Wheat, Corn

b) Tonics that Tonify Yang    
 Yang Tonics are mainly indicated for Yang deficiency syndromes which include Heart Yang deficiency, Spleen Yang deficiency and Kidney Yang deficiency. As the Kidney dominated the Yang of the whole body, various Yang deficiency syndromes are often related to Kidney Yang deficiency , and the therapy of tonifying Yang always begins with tonifying the Kidney, therefore the therapy of tonifying Yang chiefly refers to warming and tonifying the Kidney Yang. Yang tonics function in reinforcing the Kidney Yang tonifying the essence of life and strengthening the bones and muscles. They are capable of regulating and restoring the functions of Kidney, accelerating growth and enhancing the body resistance. They are mainly indicated for syndrome of Kidney Yang deficiency manifested as aversion to Cold, cold limbs, aches and lassitude or cold pain in the loins and knees, impotence, spermatorrhea, sterility due to uterine coldness, lucid and thin leucorrhagia, frequent urination, enuresis, deep pulse, white tongue coating, etc. Because when there occurs failure of the Kidney Yang, the Spleen and Stomach can not be warmed and diarrhea may occur, and as the result of Kidney Yang deficiency, the Kidney fails in recieving Qi and gives to shortness of breath and dyspnea, some Yang tonics, therefore, can be used to cure diarrhea due to Spleen and Kidney deficiency or dyspnea due to Lung and Kidney deficiency. Most of the Yang tonics are warm and dry in property and can hurt Yin and increase pathogenic fire, so they should not be used in cases of hyperactivity of Fire due to Yin deficiency. Examples are:
Cervus nippon- 鹿茸 Lù róng- Deer velvet from precalcified antler
Cordyceps sinensis- 冬虫夏草 Dōnɡ chónɡ xià cǎo- Caterpillar fungus
Cistanche deserticola- 肉苁蓉 Ròu cōng róng- Cistanche
Cynomorium songaricum- 锁阳 Suǒ yáng- Cynomorium
Morinda officinalis- 巴戟天 Bā jǐ tiān- Morinda root  
Psoralea corylifolia- 补骨脂 Bǔ gǔ zhīScurf pea
Alpinia oxyphylla-  益智仁 Yì zhì rén- Bitter cardamon
Eucommia ulmoides- 杜仲 Dù zhòng- Eucommia
Cibotium barometz- 狗脊 Góu jǐ- Golden haired dog
Dipsacus asper- 续断 Xù duàn- Teasel root
Cuscuta chinensis- Tù sī zǐ 菟丝子- Dodder
Astragalus complanatus- 沙苑子 Shā yuàn zǐ- Flatstem milkvetch seed

c) Tonics that Nourish Blood     
Drugs of this type have the effects of tonifying the blood and ar indicated for syndromes of Blood Deficiency shown as sallow complexion, paleness of the lips, tongue and nails, dizziness, blurred vision, palpitation, delayed menstrual cycle and scanty pale menstrual blood, or even amenorrhea, etc. Some of these drugs also have the effects of reinforcing Yin and are effective for Yin Deficiency. Examples are: Rehmannia glutinosa- 地黄 Dì huáng- Fresh rehmannia
Polygonum multiflorum-何首乌 Hé shǒu wū- Fleece flower, Polygonum
Angelica polymorpha- 当归 Dāng guī- Dang gui
Paeonia lactiflora- 白芍 Bái sháo- White peony root
Equus asinus- 阿膠 Ē jiāo- Donkey or Ass hide extract
Lycium barbarum- 枸杞子 Gǒu qǐ zǐ- Wolfberry fruit
Morus alba- 桑椹子 Sāng zhēn zǐ- Mulberry fruit
Dimocarpus longan- 龙眼肉 Lóng yǎn ròu- Dried Longan aril

d) Tonics that Nourish Yin      
Drugs of this type function in tonifying the Yin fluid, and promoting the production of body fluid to moisten dryness. They are indicated for Lung Yin deficiency manifested as dry cough with little sputum and dryness of the mouth and tongue; Stomach Yin deficiency manifested as red tongue with little coating, dry throat and thirsty feeling; Liver Yin deficiency characterize by blurred vision and zenophthalmia of the eyes, dizziness and tinnitus; and Kidney Yin deficiency with manifestations of lassitude of the loins and legs seminal emission, night sweat, etc. Examples are:
Glehnia littoralis- 北沙參 Běi shā shēn- Coastal glehnia root
Panax quinquefolius- 西洋参 Xi yang shen- American ginseng
Asparagus cochinchinensis- 天門冬 Tiān mén dōng- Asparagus root
Dendrobium nobile- 石斛 Shí Hú- Noble orchid
Polygonatum odoratum- 玉竹 Yù zhú- Solomon seal rhizome
Lilium brownii- 百合 Bǎi hé- Lily bulb
Taxillus chinensis- 桑寄生 Sāng jì shēng- Mulberry mistletoe
Chinemys reevesii- 龟板 Guī băn- Fresh water tortoise plastron
Pelodiscus sinensis- 鳖甲 Bie jia- Fresh water soft shelled turtle

11. Astringents    
These herbs treat disorders in which there is an excess of discharge, or structures fall from their proper position. The disorders include diarrhea, excessive urination, excessive sweating, and prolagpse of the uterus or rectum. The causes of these problems can be due to chronic illness, old age, and can also be caused by improper use of purgatives or dispersing substances.
Most of the herbs in this category are sour and astringent. Astringents astringe Energy back into the body to reinforce structures and limit discharges. The herbs in this category have a wide range of functions. Some are best use for stopping sweating, while others for stopping chornic diarrhea. Others are primarily used for treating polyuria, or abnormal discharges from the Lower Burner and a fourth group has a strong action in stopping coughs. These herbs stabalisze and bind, and this tends to "draw fluids in". Some of these herbs are also used to control bleeding, particularly from the vagina. These herbs are not suitable for conditions where the exterior condition have not been fully resolved.
Cornus officinalis- 山茱萸 Shān yū roú- Cornelian cherry
Schizandra chinensis- 五味子 Wǔ wèi zi- Magnolia vine
Myristica fragrans- 肉豆蔻 Ròu dòu kòu- Nutmeg
Nelumbo nucifera- 蓮子  Lián zǐ- Lotus seed
Euryale ferox- 芡實 Qiàn shí- Dry ripe seed
Triticum aestivum- 浮小麥  Fú xiǎo mài- Immature wheat grains 
Ephedra sinica- 麻黃根 Má huáng gēn- Root of Ma huang

12. Calm Spirit     
 TRANQUILIZERS Drugs whose principal effects are Tranquilizing the mind and relieving uneasiness are called tranquillisers. Tranquillisers exert tranquilizing effects either through sedation or through nourishment of the Heart. They are chiefly used in the treatment of irritability, palpitation or severe palpitation, insomnia and dreaminess due to Heart Qi Deficiency and Heart Blood Deficiency, or due to exuberant Fire resulting from hyperactivity of the Heart. They are also used to treat such diseases as infantile convulsion, epilepsy and mania. Drugs of this class can be selected for use according to the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease and used together with suitable drugs of other classes. - For Syndrome due to Yin Deficiency and Blood Deficiency, drugs for nourishing the Blood and strengthening Yin should be added. - For Syndrome due to exuberant Fire caused by hyperactivity of the Heart, drugs for nourishing the blood and strengthening Yin should be added; for syndrome due to exuberant fire caused by hyperactivity of the heart, drugs for removing excessive Fire from the heart should be given as well. - For epilepsy and infantile convulsion, drugs for resolving phlegm and inducing resuscitation or drugs for calming the liver to stop endogenous wind should be used as the main ingredients with the tranquilizers as the adjuvant. Heavy tranquilizers of mineral sources should be used in combination with drugs for strengthening the stomach and spleen and should not be used over long periods of time so as to avoid any harm to the stomach.
   a) Strong  Examples:
Bone of large animals- 龙骨 Lóng gǔ-  Dragon bones
Ostrea gigas- 牡蠣 Mǔ lì- Oyster shells
Pteria martensii- 珍珠母 Zhēn zhū mǔ- Mother of pearl oyster pearl
Pinus species- 琥珀 Hǔ pò- Yellowish or brownish fossil pine amber
Magnetic iron oxide- 磁石 Cí shí  Fe3O4

   b) Mild  Example:
Ziziphus spinosa- 酸枣仁 Suān zǎo rén- Wild date seed
Platycladus orientalis- 柏子仁 Bǎi zǐ rén- Ripe biota seed
Polygala tenuifolia- 遠志 Yuǎn zhì- Siberian milkwort
Albizia julibrissin- 合歡皮 Hé huān pí- Persian silk tree
Polygonum multiflorum- 何首烏 Hé shǒu wū- Fleeceflower root tubers.

13. Aromatic and Stimulant   
DRUGS FOR INDUCING RESUSCITATION (Restoring consciousness) Drugs of this class have strong aromatic odour and remarkable action of stimulating the sense organs and restoring consciousness. They are chiefly used for: 1. Treating loss of consciousness and delirium due to invasion of Heat into the pericardium 2. Obstruction of the Heart by pathogenic Phlegm. They are also indicated for unconsciousness of excess type like abrupt syncope in the course of terror-induced epilepsy or apoplexy. 3. Wind stroke - Loss of consciousness is not only observed in the blockage syndrome of Wind stroke but also in prostration syndrome and therefore the two types of unconsciousness should be differentiated. The blockage syndrome of Wind stroke is caused by retention of pathogens of excess type in the interior characterized by trismus, clenched fists, full respiration and forceful pulse while the prostration syndrome is caused by collapse of the genuine Qi marked by open mouth, relaxed hands, faint respiration, profuse sweat, cold limbs and a barely palpable pulse. Drugs for inducing resuscitation can only be used for the blockage syndrome of Wind-stroke, never for prostration syndrome. Besides, blockage syndrome of Wind-Stroke can be divided into two kinds. a. Cold type- usually manifested as blue facial complexion, cold body, white tongue coating and slow pulse. Warm drugs for inducing resuscitation should be used in combination with drugs for expelling Cold and promoting the flow or Qi b. Heat Type- is generally manifested as flushed face, feverish body, yellow tongue coating, rapid pulse, etc. Cold drugs for inducing resuscitation must be given along with drugs for clearing away Toxic Heat. All drugs for inducing resuscitation are used only for emergency and symptomatic relief. So they should only be given temporarily but not over long periods of time to avoid consumption of the ancestral Qi. Also, most drugs of this class are aromatic and their aroma is highly volatile, and for this reason, they are usually used in bolus and powder with the exception of only a few for use in decoction. Examples:
Moschus moschiferus- 麝香 Shè xiāng- Musk deer secretion
Liquidambar orientalis- 蘇合香 Sū hé xiānɡ- Dried sap collected from tree, Storax balsam
Styrax tonkinensis- 安息香Ān xī xiāng- Benzoin resin
Dryobalanops camphora- 香樟 Xiāng zhāng- Borneol camphor
Acorus calamus- 水菖蒲 Shuǐ chāng pú- Sweet flag
Bos tauris domesticus- 牛黄 Niú huáng- Gall Bladder of Ox

14. Endogenous Wind   
1. Substances that Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors
These are drugs for calming the Liver, which check endogenous wind and relieve convulsion and calming the liver to suppress hyperactivity of the liver-Yang are called drugs for calming the liver. These drugs are chiefly indicated for dizziness and blurred vision due to hyperactivity of the liver-Yang, and spasms and convulsions due to up-stirring of endogenous wind resulting from disorders of the liver. Some drugs in this class also have the effects of clearing away heat from the liver and are therefore effective for blood-shot, swollen and painful eyes and headaches due to intense heat in the liver. Drugs for calming the Liver should be used in combination with drugs from other classes according to the causes of the disease. - In cases of up-stirring of wind due to intense Heat, drugs for clearing away Heat and purging fire should be added; for infantile convulsion due to phlegm and heat, drugs for clearing away heat and resolving phlegm should be added. - For up-stirring of Wind due to Blood deficiency, they should be used together with drugs for nourishing the Blood; for up-stirring of Wind due to deficiency of Yin, drugs for tonifying Yin should be given as well. In addition, since hyperactivity of the Liver Yang or up-stirring of wind due to Liver disorders is frequently accompanied with mental disorders, drugs for calming the liver are often used in combination with tranquillisers. These drugs are different in property (cold or warm) and therefore they should be used for different purposes. Drugs with cold property should not be used in cases of chronic infantile convulsion due to deficiency of the spleen and drugs with warm and hot properties should be cautiously prescribed in cases of hyperactivity of Yang due to Yin deficiency.
Scolopendra subspinipes- Centipede

2. Wind Damp resolving- Antirheumatics: Drugs of this type are capable of eliminating the pathogenic Wind Dampness from the muscles, channels and collaterals, tendons and bones. Some of them have the effects of relaxing the muscles and tendons, clearing and activating the channels and collaterals, relieving pain and strengthening the tendons and bones by nourishing the Liver and Kidney. These drugs are effective for arthralgia due to Wind Dampness, spasm of muscles, numbness and hypoesthesia, hemiplegia, aching loins and knees, flaccidity of the lower limbs and other symptoms. Suitable drugs of this type should be selected according to the actual conditions such as the characteristics and locations of different types of arthralgia-syndrome, and should be used in combination with other kinds of drugs: if the pathogens are at the body superficies, leading to pain mainly in the upper part of the body, drugs of expelling pathogenic wind and inducing diaphoresis should be added; if the pathogens are already in the channels and collaterals, resulting in stagnation of qi and stasis of blood and antirheumatics should be given together with drugs for clearing the channels and collaterals and promoting blood circulation; if the arthralgia is mainly due to excessive Cold Dampness, drugs for warming the channels should be added; in cases with evident signs of Heat, Heat clearing drugs should also be used; for those with deficiency of Qi and blood due to chronic illness, drugs for replenishing qi and nourishing the blood should be used as well for complementation. Since the arthralgia-syndrome is usually chronic, besides decoction, anti rheumatics can be prepared into tincture, pill or powder for convenient administration. Examples:
Saigo tatarica- 羚羊角 Línɡ yánɡ jiǎo- Antelope's horn
Uncaria rhynchophylla- 钩藤 Gōu téng- Gambir vine
Gastrodia elata- 天麻 Tiān má- Gastrodia tuber
Tribulus terrestris- 白蒺藜 Bái jí lí- Caltrop- Burra gokhru
Haliotis funebris- 市决明 Shì jué míng- Abalone shell
Bombyx mori- 僵蚕 Jiāng cán- Dry body of Silkworm

15. Antitussive, Expectorants and Antiasthmatics   
 Drugs whose principal effects are to remove the stagnation of sputum are called expectorants; drugs which can alleviate or relieve cough and asthma are called antitussives and anti asthmatics. Most expectorants also have the effects of antitussive and anti asthmatics and visa versa.[3] These drugs are further divided into three categories:
1. Resolving Hot Phlegm   
Most drugs of this kind are cold in property and have the effects of resolving Heat Phlegm.They are indicated for cough, thick and yellow sputum, difficulty in expectoration, epilepsy, convulsion, scrofula, and multiple or metastatic abscesses, and are often combined with Heat clearing drugs. These drugs are not advised in cases of Cold Phlegm and Spleen and Stomach Xu. Drugs for Resolving Heat phlegm - Examples:
Peucedanum pracruptorum- 前胡 Qián hú- Hogfennel root
Fritillaria cirrhosa- 川贝母 Chuān bèi mǔ- Sichuan Fritillary
Fritillaria thunbergii- 浙貝母 Zhè bèi mǔ- Zhe Jiang Fritillary bulb
Trichosanthes kirilowii- 栝楼 Guā lóu- Snake gourd
Trichosanthes kirilowii- 天花分 Tiān huā fěn-  Snake gourd root
Phyllostachys nigra- 竹茹 Zhú rú- Inner bark of Black bamboo
Saccharina japonica- 昆布 Kūn bù- Kombu, Laminaria
Sargassum siliquastrum- 海藻 Hǎi zǎo- Sargassum seaweed
Macaca mulatta- 猴枣 Hóu zǎo- Rhesus monkey gall bladder stone powder

2. Resolving Cold Phlegm   
Most of these drugs have a Warm property and can exert the funciton of resolving Cold Phlegm. They are good for Cold Phlegm syndrome and Damp Phlegm syndrome manifested as abundant lucid thin sputum easy to be expectorated. They are also good for cough and asthma, aching limbs and joints, deep rooted carbuncle of Yin nature, metastatic abscesses and scrofula due to Cold and Damp Phlegm. These drugs should not be used or they should be used cautiously for patients with Heat Phlegm syndrome, dry cough due to Yin deficiency, or for those with a history of hemoptysis and hematemesis. Examples:
Pinellia ternata- 半夏 Bàn xià- Pinellia
Typhonium giganteum- 白附子 Bái fù zǐ- Typhonium tuber
Inula japonica- 旋复花 Xuán fù huā- Japanese Elecampane
Cynanchum stauntonii- 白前 Bái qián- Willowleaf Swallowwort
Platycodon grandiflorus- 桔梗 Jié gěng- Balloon flower root

3. Antitussive and Expectorant- Clearing Breathing   
Herbs of this category have the effects of nourishing the Lung to relieve cough and lowering the adverse flow of Qi to relieve asthma. They are indicated for syndrome of cough and dyspnea which is very complicated and may be manifested as cough without sputum, cough with watery thin sputum or with yellow thick sputum, cough with dyspnea due to affection by exopathogens, or cough with dyspnea due to consumptive diseases. Appropriate drugs should be chosen with regard to the different syndromes, could or Heat, deficiency or full types, and given in combination with suitable drugs of other categories. Drugs of this category have the effects of nourishing the Lung to relieve cough and lowering the adverse flow of Qi to relive asthma. They are indicated for syndrome of cough and dyspnea which is very complicated and may be manifested as cough without sputum, cough with watery thin sputum or with yellow thick sputum, cough with dyspnea due to affection by exopathogens, or cough with dyspnea due to consumptive diseases. Appropriate drugs should be chosen with regard to the different syndromes, could or Heat, deficiency or full types, and given in combination with suitable herbs of other categories.[3]
Prunus armeniaca- 杏仁 Xìng rén- Sweet Apricot kernel
Aster tataricus- 紫菀  Zǐ wǎn-  Purple Aster
Tussilago farfara-  款冬花 Kuǎn dōnɡ huā- Coltsfoot flower
Perilla frutescens- 紫苏子 Zǐ sū zǐ- Perilla fruit
Eriobotrya japonica- 枇杷叶 Pípá yè- Loquat leaf
Stemona tuberosa- 百部 Bǎi Bù- Stemona root
Morus alba- 桑白皮 Sāng bái pí  Mulberry bark
Oroxylum indicum- 木蝴蝶 Mù hú dié- Seed of Indian Trumpet Flower

Drugs for resolving phlegm are mainly used for cough with abundant sputum, dyspnea due to retention of phlegm, or difficulty in expectoration, and disease, and diseases induce by phlegm such as epilepsy, convulsion, goiter, scrofula, deep-rooted carbuncle of Yin nature and metastatic abscesses. Drugs for relieving cough and asthma are chiefly indicated for cough and asthma due to affection by exopathogenic factors and impairment of the functions of internal organs. In addition to the drugs for resolving sputum and relieving cough and asthma, other drugs should be used according to the cause of the disease. -For cough due to affection by exopathogens, diaphoretics should be used as well; for cough due to consumptive diseases, tonics should be added;
-For Heat Phlegm syndrome with sticky sputum it is preferable to use Heat clearing and Lung moistening drugs too;
-For Cold Damp phlegm syndrome, drugs for drying and warming the Lung to expel pathogenic Cold Dampness should be added.
-For cough with hemoptysis, drastic and irritating sputum resolving drugs should not be used because they might induce or aggravate hemoptysis.
-For cough at the early stage of measles, drugs for removing Heat from the Lung and promoting the dispersing function of the Lung should be used as the principal ingredients while antitussive drugs, especially drugs with warm and astringent properties for resolving sputum and relieving cough should not be used so as to avoid any increase of heat or any disadvantage to the thorough eruption of measles. 

16. Digestive and Evacuants   
     Drugs which are principally used to improve appetite and digestion and remove food stagnation are known as drugs for improving appetite and digestion and removing food stagnation or digestives. Drugs of this class can remove stagnated food and restore the normal functions of the spleen and stomach in transporting and distributing nutrients. They are indicated for abdominal distension, belching, acid regurgitation, nausea, vomiting, and irregular bowel movements due to indigestion and food retention. They are also effective for indigestion due to the weakness of the spleen and stomach. These drugs are often used along with drugs for promoting circulation of Qi so as to improve digestion of food. They are also given, according to the actual conditions of the patient in cooperation with interior-warming drugs, purgatives, or drugs for resolving dampness. In cases of indigestion due to deficiency of the spleen, drugs for regulating and reinforcing the spleen and stomach should be given as the principal remedies with the drugs for improving digestion and removing stagnation as subsidiary ones. Examples:
Crataegus pinnatifida- 山楂 Shān zhā- Chinese hawthorn fruit
Hordeum vulgare- 麦芽 Mài Yá- Malt, Germinated Barley, Rice Wheat, Corn or other cereals
Setaria italica- 谷芽 Gǔ yá- Germinated Millet
Triticum aestivum- 神曲 Shén Qū- Medicated Leaven, Fermented wheat flour and herbs
Gallus gallus- 鸡内金 Jī nèi jīn- Dried chicken gizzard epithelium/lining

17  Anthelmintics   
    Drugs with a major effect of expelling or poisoning parasites are called anthelmintics. Anthelmintics are indicated for diseases caused by parasites in the intestines, such as ascariasis, enterobiasis, cestodiasis and ancylostomiasis. Anthelmintics should be selected for specific parasites and supplemented with other types of suitable drugs according to the actual condition. In cases accompanied with food stagnation, drugs for improving digestion and removing the stagnation should be added; in cases with concomitant constipation, purgatives should be given as well to help expel the parasites; if the disease is complicated by deficiency of the spleen and stomach, drugs for strengthening them should be prescribed in addition to the anthelmintics. Attention should be paid as follows: in using anthelmintics, administration of the drug on an empty stomach to ensure better effects; right dosage of poisonous drugs; temporary suspension of the drug in case of fever and severe abdominal pain; administration with caution for pregnant women, the aged and weak. Examples:
Quisqualis indica- 使君子 Shǐ jūn zǐ- Rangoon creeper fruit
Melia toosendan- 苦楝皮 Kǔ liàn pí- Bead Tree, Chinaberry bark
Torreya grandis- 榧子 Fěi zi- Torreya seed
Carpesium abrotanoides- 鹤虱 Hè shī- Carpesium
Omphalia lapidescens- 雷丸 Léi wán- Dry Omphalia fungus nucleus
Areca catechu- 槟榔 Bīng lang- Areca Nut, Betelnut
Allium sativum- 大蒜 Dà suàn- Garlic

18. External Usage   
These consist of herbs and minerals, many of them toxic if taken internally, that are applied topically for skin problems, bruises, spasms, and sprains. Examples:
Potassium aluminium sulphate- 明矾 Míng fán- KAl(SO4)2, Alum
Hydrated sodium tetraborate- 硼砂 Péng shā- Na2O2B2O3.10H2O Borax
Cnidium monnieri- 蛇床子 Shé chuáng zǐ- Cnidium fruit

[1] Jinglun Hou, Medicated Diet of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Chief Editor- Associate Editors- Zhao Xin, Li Weidong, Liu Jianxin, Geng Chun-e, Li Guohua, Li Shaohua. Geijing. Science & Technology Press 1994. ISBN 7-5304-1735-5/R. 309.
[2] Bensky Dan, Gamble Andrew Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica Revised Edition 1993 Easland Press Seattle Washington ISBN 0-939616-15-7.
[3] The Chinese Materia Medica A practical English - Chinese Library of Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Director Hu Ximing ISBN 7-81010-111-X/R-110
[4] sionneau.com/medecine-chinoise/articles
[5]. "Ces aliments qui nous soignent - la diététique chinoise au service de votre santé", Philippe Sionneau et Josette Chapellet, Editions Guy Trédaniel.
[6]. "La diététique du Tao", Philippe Sionneau et Richard Zagorsky, Editions Guy Trédaniel.