Lilium brownii. L. lancifoliumor and other species   Bǎi hé  Lily bulb    Family: Liliaceae    
Composed of about a hundred of overlapping scales, lily bulbs, or Bai he in pinyin,are viewed as the propitious sign of a blissful lasting marriage and all the best by ancient Chinese.
Nature- neutral - cool   FLAVOR: Slightly bitter.  CHANNEL:  Heart, Lung
GROUP: Tonify Yin
1. Nourish Yin
2. Lubricate the Lung. Moisturise the Lung.[1] Relieve cough.[1]
3. Clear away Heart Fire and tranquilize the mind. Clear fever and calm nerves.[1]
4. Promotes diuresis.[1]
1. Nourish Lung- Lung Dryness with cough and hemoptysis.  Coughing and  hematemesis manifested by deficiency condition.[1] Chronic cough due to Yin deficiency.
2. Restlessness - The convalescence of Yin Deficiency manifesting as  febrile diseases with Heat manifested as irritability, insomnia, dreaminess, palpitation and absent mindedness. Anxiety, apprehension.[1]
3. Edema, difficult urination.[1]  Deficiency depression. Palpitation.
4. Convulsion.
PREPARATIONS: Decoction 10-30 g.[3]  Decoction 6-12 g for each dose.[1] Or steamed for juice, to be taken by mouth.[1]  Dried fleshy squama 4.5-9 g.[2]

HABITAT: Grows in loose and fertile soil along forest edges or in grass thickets.
DESCRIPTION A perennial herb. Corm globular, fleshy, apex frequently opening up like a lotus, numerous adventitious roots. Stem; erect, height about 1 cm, covered often by purplish brown spots. Leaves; alternate, lanceolate, apexes acuminate, bases gradually narrowing, margins intact or undulate, parallel ribs. Flowers; in summer, milky-white or light brown flowers. Capsule; green. Seeds; numerous.
Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.

Chemical interaction between Lilium brownii and Rhizoma Anemarrhenae, the herbal constituents of Baihe Zhi mu decoction, by liquid chromatography coupled to hybrid triple quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer.
Yang B, Liu Z, Wang Q, Xia P.
During the course of decoction, the components of herbal formula interact with each other, such that chemical extraction characteristics are altered. The crude drugs, Lilium brownii (Baihe) and Rhizoma Anemarrhenae (Zhimu), are the herbal constituents of Baihe Zhimu decoction, a traditional herbal formula. To investigate the chemical interaction between Baihe and Zhimu when decocting together, eight marker components in Baihe Zhimu decoction were simultaneously characterized and quantified in one run by a hybrid triple quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer in the multiple reactions monitoring-information dependent acquisition-enhanced product ion mode. The results showed that Zhimu significantly suppressed the extraction of phenolic glycosides (the components from Baihe) when co-decocting, and Baihe clearly suppressed the extraction of xanthones and steroidal saponins (the components from Zhimu). Overall, the presently developed method would be a preferred candidate for the investigation of the chemical interaction between herbal medicines.
PMID: 29027684 DOI: 10.1002/bmc.4118 Biomed Chromatogr. 2017 Oct 13. doi: 10.1002/bmc.4118. [Epub ahead of print]