Cynanchum stauntonii. or C. glaucescens. Bái qián   Willowleaf swallowwort   Family: Asclepiadaceae  
PART USED: Tuber and root- harvested in Autumn
Nature- neutral, slightly warm  FLAVOR: Pungent, sweet, bitter, Slightly acrid CHANNEL: Lung
GROUP: Antitussive and Expectorant Clearing- Cold Phlegm - This herb is slightly warm, however it is not drying.[3]
1. Redirects the Qi downwards and expels Phlegm.[3] Resolve Lung Qi blockage and stagnation.[3] Transform Sputum, calm down asthma. Clears Lung, lowers excess energy.[1] Stops coughing.[1] Helps make sputum more productive.[1]
1. Coughing, asthma, dyspnea.[1]  Cough with copious sputum that is difficult to expectorate, as well as wheezing, and gurgling in the throat.[3] Cough and asthma with sputum.[2]
CONTRAINDICATIONS- Cough due to Qi defiency or the inability of the Kidneys to grasp the Qi.[3]

HABITAT: Grows wild along water's edge where shady and damp.
Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.

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Chemical composition of the volatile oil from Cynanchum stauntonii and its activities of anti-influenza virus
Yang Zai-Chang, Wang Bo-Chu, Yang Xiao-Sheng, Wang Qiang
The volatile oil of the roots of Cynanchum stauntonii was examined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Thirty-eight constituents were identified. (E,E)-2,4-Decadienal, 3-efhyl-4-methypentanol, 5-pentyl-3H-furan-2-one, (E,Z)-2,4-decadienal and 2(3H)-furanone,dihydro-5-pentyl were found to be the major components. The volatile oil exhibited the activities against influenza virus in vitro (IC50s=64 microg/ml). In in vivo experiment, it prevented influenza virus-induced deaths in a dose-dependent manner.
Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces 2005 Jul 10;43(3-4):198-202. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2005.05.003. PMID: 15975773 DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2005.05.003

Steroids from the roots of Cynanchum stauntonii
Peng Wang, Hai-Lin Qin, Ling Zhang, Zhi-Hong Li, Ying-Hong Wang, Hai-Bo Zhu
A chemical investigation of the roots of Cynanchum stauntonii has resulted in the characterization of a new hydroperoxide with a 13,14 : 14,15-disecopregnane-type skeleton, named stauntonine (1), together with three related compounds, anhydrohirundigenin (2), anhydrohirundigenin monothevetoside (3), and glaucogenin-C mono- D-thevetoside (4). Their structures were established by spectroscopic methods, including X-ray crystallographic diffraction analysis of stauntonine that confirmed its relative stereochemistry. The compound 1 showed dose-dependent relaxation on aortic rings with endothelium contracted by phenylepherine or KCl.
Planta Med . 2004 Nov;70(11):1075-9. doi: 10.1055/s-2004-832650. PMID: 15549665 DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-832650