Macaca mulatta.   Hóu zǎo Rhesus monkey, Rhesus macaque        
Hóu zǎo sǎn Gall stone powder
Nature: Cold     FLAVOR: Bitter, salty  CHANNELS: Heart, Lung, Liver, Gall bladder
GROUP: Antitussive and Expectorant Clearing- Hot Phlegm
1. Clear Heat,[1,2] relieve convulsion,[1] and reduce Fire toxicity.[1,2]
2. Dislodges Phlegm,[1,2] controls spasms,[2] and arrests wheezing,[2] relieve asthma,[1] and resolve swelling.[1]
1. Childhood convulsions due to Heat excess.[1,2] Phlegm Heat, wheezing to to rebellious Qi and hoarseness.[2]
2. Epilepsy, scrofula, sore throat, pharyngitis, asthma and cough due to phlegm-heat.[1]
PREPARATIONS: Take the powder 0.3-1 g,[2] not decocted.[2] This substance is very expensive and should be sparingly prescribed. Good quality is large, smooth, shiny, bronze-colored, and easily broken. Appropriate dosage for external application, ground with vinegar for applying.[1]
ORIGIN: Southeast Asia, India
Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.