Tetrapanax papyrifer. T. papyriferus   Tōng cǎo   Rice paper pith   Family: Araliaceae  
This evergreen shrub is the sole species in the genus Tetrapanax. The pith from the stem is also used to make a substance commonly known as rice paper, but more properly termed pith paper.
PART USED: Pith, between wood and bark- harvested in Autumn from 2 or 3 year old plants.
Nature: Cold, Cool        FLAVOR: Sweet, tasteless  CHANNELS: Lung, Stomach
GROUP: Diuretic
1. Clear Heat, promote urination.[2,4]
2. Promote milk secretion.[2,3,4] After childbirth- to start lactation.[3]
INDICATIONS- Usually prescribed as an assistant herb
1. Damp Heat disease: Thirst, difficulty in urination, diminished urine because of Heat.[2,3] Cystitis, dysuria.[1,4] Urinary infections.[2]
2. Insufficient lactation.[1,2,3,4]
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Pregnancy.[3] Use with caution during pregnancy, and in cases of Qi or Yin deficiency.[4]
- Damp Heat skin lesions. Damp Heat attacking the lower Heater: Clears Damp-Heat, promotes Blood Circulation, eliminates Toxicity Tokoro & Coix- Bi xie sheng shi wan.
PREPARATIONS: Dry pith- between wood and bark 6-15 g.[1] 2 - 4 g.[2] 3-6 g.[3,4]

DESCRIPTION: Deciduous shrub. Found growing wild on hill sides or in woods or shrub thickets. Stem thick and sturdy, height reaching 6 m, few branches, brittle, the pith white and spongy. Leaves rather large, alternate, clustering stem terminal, palmate 5-7 cleft, bases cordate, margins serrated; stipules 2, membranous, bases clasping the stem. In Winter, axillary greenish-white flowers in umbellate arrangement appearing to form large panicle inflorescences. Berry globose.
Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.

Uronic acid, galactose, galacturonic acid, glucose, xylose.[1]
[1] Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica- Dan Bensky and Andrew Gamble- Eastland Press 1986 Seattle Washington ISBN 0-939616-15-7