Rosa laevigata.   Jīn yīng zǐ   White flowered Wild Rose
Family: Rosaceae       
PART USED: Roots and fruits
Nature: Neutral   FLAVOR: Pleasant, slightly acrid, sour/sweet, harsh
1. Tonify Kidney. Constrict semen.[2] Stabilizes the Kidneys.[1]
2. Detoxifies,[1] aids menstrual regularity.[1]
2. Relieve diarrhea.[2]
1. Chronic diarrhea. Chronic dysentery.[1]
2. Kidney Deficiency-  Wet dreams, prolapse of uterus.[1]  Sliding emission.[2] Urinary tract infections.[1] Frequent urination, enuresis.[2]
3. Menstrual irregularities, traumatic injuries.[1]

PREPARATIONS: Decoction. Roots, fruits 15-30 g each dose.[1]  Fresh leaves may be crushed for external use.[1] Dry ripe fruit 6-12 g.[2]
HABITAT: Found growing mostly in shrub thickets in wild places.
DESCRIPTION: Climbing shrub. Stem and branches reddish brown, very thorny. Leaves; 3 pinnate compound, alternate, central leaflet larger than 2 lateral leaflets, ovate-oval, apexes acuminate, bases broadly cuneate, margins finely serrate, cental rib on back of leaves thorny. Blooms; in summer, single white flowes appearing terminally from new growth, large and fragrant. Fruit; shaped like flower vase, with prickly hairs, sweet and edible.
Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.