Rosa & Cuscuta Yi niao bao tong chong ji     
GROUP: Tonify, Stabilize and Astringe
1. Tonifies the Qi and strengthens the Spleen, tonifes the Kidney and astricts the urine.
INDICATIONS: Spleen and Lung Qi deficiency or Kidney deficiency: Bed wetting at night, frequent urination, white or pale complexion, low energy, tiredness, weak limbs, poor apetite, unformed stools, abnormal sweating T- pale P- deep and thready or moderate. There may also be cold limbs and aversion to cold.
Astragalus propinquus-  黃耆 Huáng qí- Astragalus
Dioscorea oppositifolia 山药 Shān Yao- Chinese Yam
Cuscuta chinensis  Tù sī zǐ    菟丝子   Dodder
Alpinia oxyphylla- 益智仁 Yì zhì rén Bitter cardamon
Rosa laevigata- 金櫻子 Jīn Yīng Zǐ- White flowered Wild Rose
Schizandra chinensis, Schisandra chinensis 五味子  Wǔ Wèi Zi- Magnolia vine fruit
Glycyrrhiza uralensis- 甘草 Gān cǎo- Chinese Licorice
COMMENTS: This formula is to be used to treat children over the age of 3 years with deficiency patterns.