Packera aurea. formerly Senecio aureus   Life root plant, Golden senecio, Squaw weed   Family: Asteraceae     
PART USED: Rhizome, herb
TASTE: Bitter and astringent ODOR: Faint, slightly acrid
1. Uterine tonic.[1,2] Emmenagogue.[2]
2. Diuretic.[1,2]
3. Expectorant- mild.[1] Pectoral.[2]
4. Astringent.[2]
1. Functional amenorrhea.[1,2] Menopausal neurosis.[1] Menopausal symptoms.[2]
2. Emotional and vascular instability- including hot flushes, associated with menopause.
Local- Leukorrhea, as douche.[1]
SPECIFIC INDICATIONS: Emotional and vascular instability, including hot flushes associated with menopause.[1]
PREPARATIONS   3X /day Only samples with alkaloids absent should be taken internally.[2]
Dried herb 1-4 g or by infusion.[1]
Powder 2-4 g.[2]
Liquid extract 1:1 in 25% alcohol  1-4 ml.[1] 2-4 ml.[2]
ORIGIN: Europe, inlcuding Britain, North America.
DESCRIPTION:  Stem; dark bown. Leaves; pinnatifid, dark green on upper and light green on lower surface, with a long petiole. Rhizome; 2-5 cm long, with numerous roots; the root bark being hard and blackish surrounding a ring of whitish woody bundles and a large, dark, central pith. Flowerheads few, in a loose corymb, up to about 2.5 cm broad, with yellow pistillate ray florets and hermaphrodite central tubular florets.
Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.