Danggui & Notoginseng Tong jing wan          
Group: Blood Regulating
1. Quickens the Blood and dispels Blood stasis, regulates the Qi, alleviates pain, nourishes the Blood.
1. Qi and Blood Stagnation: Lower abdominal pain before or during period, irregular menstruation with shortened cycle, dark and clotted menstrual flow or scanty dark red flow. T- purple or with purple spots. P- wiry and thready and may also be irregular or uneven. There may also be sweating, pallor, pain radiating to the lumbosacral region, headache.
APPLICATIONS: Dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, chronic headache and migraine.
Angelica polymorpha- 当归 Dāng guī- Angelica
Paeonia lactiflora- 白芍 Bái sháo- White peony root
Ligusticum chuanxiong川芎 Chuān xiōng- Szechuan lovage root, Cnidium
Salvia miltiorrhiza- 丹参 Dān shēn- Red sage root
Panax pseudoginseng- 田七 Tián qī- Notoginseng
Prunus persica- 桃仁 Táo rén- Peach kernel
Carthamus tinctorius- 红花 Hóng huā- Safflower
Corydalis yanhusuo- 延胡索 Yán hú suǒ- Corydalis tuber 
Typha latifolia- 蒲黄 Pú huáng- Pollen of Bulrush mace
Cyperus rotundus- 香附 Xiāng Fù- Chufa grass
Lindera aggregata- 烏藥 Wū Yào- Spicebush root
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Heat excess patterns, Yin Deficiency, severe deficiency patterns. Pregnancy