BAI ZI YANG XIN WAN- Biota and Lycium Fruit FormulaBiota & Lycium fruit Bai zi yang xin wan          
Group: Calm Spirit 
1. Nourishes the Heart Blood and Yin, Calms Shen, Harmonises Heart and Kidney.
1. Heart Blood and Yin deficiency or disharmony between Heart and Kidney:
Insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, anxiety, mental restlessness, agitation, forgetfulness, disorientation, night-sweats, palpitations, hard dry stools or constipation, dryness of mouth or lips. T- red with little coating P-thready and rapid.
APPLICATION: Insomnia, neurosis, mental tension, depression, menopausal syndrome.
Platycladus orientalis- 柏子仁 Bǎi zǐ rén- Biota seed
Ophiopogon japonicus 麦门冬 Mài mén dōng- Lilyturf root
Lycium barbarum- 枸杞子 Gǒu qǐ zǐ- Wolfberry fruit 
Angelica polymorpha- 当归 Dāng guī- Angelica
Anemone altaica- 九節菖蒲 Jiǔ jié chānɡ pú- Creeping Chinese windflower.
Poria cocos- 茯苓 Fú líng- Hoelen fungus
Scrophularia ningpoensis- 玄参 Xuán shēn- Ningpo Figwort Root
Rehmannia glutinosa- 熟地黃 Shú dì huáng- Cooked Rehmannia
Glycyrrhiza uralensis-甘草 Gān cǎo- Chinese Licorice
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Excessive Heat syndromes