MAI DONG- OphiopogonOphiopogon Combination Mai men dong tang        
Group: Treat Dryness  
1. Tonifies and nourishes Stomach Qi and Yin, Nourishes Lung Yin, promites production of Body Fluids, Descends Rebellious Qi.
1. Deficiency of Stomach Qi and Yin with rebellious Qi:
Vomiting or dry retching, nausea, belching, loss of appetitie, dry mouth and throat. T- red and dry P- weak and rapid.
2. Deficiency Heat in the Stomach with damage to Lung Yin and Fluids: Dry cough with little sputum, thirst, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, sore throat, dry mouth and throat. T- red with little coating P- weak and rapid
3. Deficiency of Stomach Yin with deficiency Fire and ascent of rebellious Qi: Constant sensation of hunger, emaciation, dry mouth and throat T- red with little coating P- weak, thready and rapid.
APPLICATIONS: Gastritis, gastoduodenal ulcers, esophageal reflux, pharyngitis, laryngitis, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary mellitus, hyperthryroidism, headache.
Ophiopogon japonicus- 麦门冬 Mài mén dōng- Lilyturf root
Pinellia ternata- 半夏 Bàn xià- Pinellia
Panax ginseng  人參   Rén shēn- Asiatic Ginseng
Ziziphus jujuba, Z. vulgaris  大枣 Dà Zǎo- Large date
Glycyrrhiza uralensis-甘草 Gān cǎo- Chinese Licorice