Odic Hand Book

Odic force itself
Force falling externally and rising internally
Observations of Magnets and Crystals

Odic energy and the Earth
Human body

Odic Force itself

There is one type of energy which can be divided into Electricity or Magetism. Also there is only one substance.(Phylos).

In other words, out of the cold, dark, negative side of Nature, force emerges and develops in its fall, magnetism, electricity, light, colour, heat and sound, in order of descent, and lastly solid matter. For this latter is a child of energy, not its parent.(516Phylos)

This is known as the Day side of nature. Only one element exists, and is operated upon by varying degrees of the one force.
Light heat, sound and all solid, liquid and gaseous substances, therefore, will be seen to be different, not in material but in speed

Force falling externally and rising internally

The `force falls', just like a river marks declivities in its bed by cataracts.  Very far down its course to the cascades of magnetism, electricity, light, heat, sound, motion- and far off where the bed of this stream becomes nearly level, exhibits those little ripples of material differentiation which are termed the elements.(465Phylos)

Circulation of Od throughout the Solar system

Rather than starting from starting from physical concepts, and looking at the flow of the purifying Odic force through them, it would probalby be better to flow with the Odic currents.

The journey begins with the source of the stream- the extreme Yin, cool electrical fluid, so in a way the Spirit Land nourishes the Earth.

From another section of the Spirit Land there starts a lighter fluid ,which is also a ... negative... tidal river, toward the North Pole of earth, and this is unchangeably electrical.(AJD).

The tendency of a current of water is to flow to the part where greatest speed exists and from parts where but little is found. so, too, with magnetism. the positive currents flow to the negative pole. That is the highest, or swiftest vibration (555PhylosEDR)

Falling is probably a more apt term for the stream as Phylos states.

The `force falls', just like a river marks declivities in its bed by cataracts.  Very far down its course to the cascades of magnetism, electricity, light, heat, sound, motion- and far off where the bed of this stream becomes nearly level, exibits those little ripples of material differentiation which are termed the elements. (465Phylos)

The Sun

The Sun in abscondito being thus the storehouse of our ittle Cosmos, self-generating its vital fluid, and ever recieving as much as it gives out; and the visible Sun only a window cut into the real Solar palace and presence, which reflects, however, fathfully the interior work.
   Thus, there is a regular circulation of the vital fluid througout our system of which the Sun is the heart- the same as the circulation of the blood in the human body- druing the manvataric solar period, or life; the Sun contracting as rhythmically at every return of it, as the human heart does. Only, instead of performing the round in a second or so, it takes the solar blood ten of its years to circulate and a whole pear to pass through its auricles and ventricies, before it washes the lungs and passes thence to the great vens and arteries of the system.
  This, Sicence will not deny, since astromny knows of the fixed cycle of eleven years when the number of solar spots increases which is due to the contraction of the Solar Heart
. (AJD).

Our Sun is the heart of the Solar World (System) and its brain is hidden behind the (visible) Sun. Thence, sensation is radiated into every nerve centre of the great body, and the waves of the life©essence flow into each artery and vein....The planets are its limbs and pulses...(134Blavat)
Occult philosophy denies that the Sun is a globe in combustion, but defines it simply as a world, a glowing sphere, the real Sun being hidden behind, and the visible being only its reflection, its shell. The Nasmyth willow leaves, mistaken by Sir J. Herschell for "Solar inhabitants", are the reservoirs of solar vital energy, " the vital electricity that feeds the whole system... The Sun in abscondito being thus the storehouse of our little Kosmos, self generating its vital fluid, and ever receiving as much as it gives out," and the visible Sun only a window cut into the real Solar palace and presence, which reflects, however, faithfully the interior work.(134)

Thus, there is a regular circulation of the vital fluid throughout our system of which the Sun is the heart, the same as the circulation of the blood in the human body  during the manvantaric solar period, or life; the Sun contracting as rhythmically at every return of it, as the human heart does.
Only, instead of performing the round in a second or so, it takes the solar blood ten of its years ( to circulate ) and a whole year to pass through its auricles and ventricles, before it washes the lungs and passes thence to the great veins and arteries of the system.
This, Science will not deny, since astronomy knows of the fixed cycle of eleven years when the number of solar spots increases which is due to the contraction of the Solar Heart.(135Blavat)

When the Night Side Forces drop to light, and the light enters a spectroscope, they will emerge as colours. These correspond to the various spectrum bands and will emerge as the descent progresses, giving forth the noted lines of the solar spectrum, as the great `B' line of oxygen, the conspicuous `1474 line', and the brilliant `H' and `K' violet bands.(517Phylos)
It is by these Night Side currents that the circulation in the Universe is kept up as blood in a man's arteries. The suns are the systemic hearts.(519Phylos)

The number of sunspots showing an 11 year cycle from the late 1700s to the present.
Sunspot maxima correspond generally to periods of high solar activity. This activity includes increased solar wind and phenomena like aurorae and magnetic storms that are correlated with the solar wind, increased flares and prominences, and increased non-thermal radio and X-ray emission. Conversely, near sunspot minima the Sun is much quieter with respect to these phenomena. In addition, as we have seen there are significant differences in the nature of the corona during periods of active and quiet Sun.

The position of the sun spots on the surface of the sun. Notice that the sun spots start more towards the poles, then more show towards the equator.

Odic energy and the Earth

Once it reaches the Earth, circulates- refining matter as it turns into magnetic warm fluid and heads back to the Summer Land.

The earth on which we live is a revolving electrical machine, an immense magnetic battery. With a swifness beyond imagination the earth’s electricity streams in great ribbons and winds iself upon its own natural spool at the North, where it is transformed into a more refined motive force-an etherium or celestial magnetism. This is positive and warm to the negative and cold volumes of electricity. Its warm stream, rising high in air and flowing above the South Pole, pulsates onward and upward, outward and inward, until it breaks like a note of immortal melody on the shores of the Summer Land. (AJD)

There is a spiral at the north pole which causes the Aurora Borealis.

....winds itself upon its own natural spool at the north... The north-centre is an immense helix, an atomosphereically coiled receptable, for the mutidudinous electrical currents arising from all parts of the globe. The simultaneous and incessant rush of terrestrially evolved electricity to the great north spiral centre, results in the instant formation of a never-ceasing sefl-illimunation vortex. The luminous lightnings evolved by this great battery, and from the inconceivably rapid motion of the collected electric storms within the polar vortex, make those wondrous manifestations known as the aurora borealis, which especially characterize the northern hemisphere.

Molten interior

The planets which receive all these currents must return their equivalent. This explains the molten terrene interior of the earth.(520Phylos)

All the phenomena which seem to substantiate the melted
interior condition of the earth do not prove it so in truth. All point to the return currents, the positive; all exhibit venous currents of our Universe back to its hearts. Thus nature is true to the great law of duality and reciprocity.(521Phylos)

Aurora Borealis
An old observation made in Sweden by Wilke may also deserve to be recalled to recollection- that " the appearance and the movements of the northern light are always PRECEDED by disturbances of the magnetic needle". This, as is seen agrees most exactly with the Odic phenomena, the latter always occur later and more tardily than the magnetic and electrical movements complicated with them, an observable pause always intervening before the commencement of the side effects. (Reichenbach448)



The human body.
The circulation in the Solar system is compared by many authors to the human body.

As there is a vital circulation in the human body so there is a circulation of living forces between the spiritual world and the several planets (AJD).

The Yin Yang balance

An equilibrium of Yin and Yang is needed for health.

Empty conditions

Phylos's Night Side-do not confuse this term with the "Dark Side" of Star wars. It is simply a return of energy path to the Sun, in the same way that veins conduct blood back to the Heart.
Energy passes down the cascade of vibrations, ending at the atom, then moving to electrons then upwards inside the atom as it starts upwards in the "night side". It rides through the physical manifestations supplying Earth with movement and energy, then it glides back purifying as it does so. It is attracted to the swiftest moving physical objects, and is cultivated in physical beings as a crystalizing force- and a purifying force as it is used.

Suns of systems are centres of the Night Side Forces of Nature, are force and matter of a higher value than those of planets and satellites, just as water above a cataract is water, truly, but being mobile, flows over and down, developing energy as it falls.(515Phylos)

It does so. It conveys it into what can be termed the Night side of Nature- where duality become manifest, cold opposing heat, darkness opposing light, and where positive polarity opposes negative, all things being antipodal.(470Phylos)

  Cold is as much a substantial entity as heat and darkness is as much a substantial entity as light. There is also a septuple prism of black entities in the blackest gloom. (471Phylos)


   Force moves not in straight lines but in circles, that is, so as to always return unto itself. If the dynamism operating the Universe acts in circular progression, it follows that an infinity of increase of vibration would be an untenable concept. There must be a point in the circle where extremes meet and run the round again, and this we find between cathodicity and magnetism.  As vibration brought substance into the realm of light, so, too, must it carry it out. (67Phylos)



Atitude affecting perception

As the created draws away from its creator, while reacting to its outgoing impulse, it looks back to its origin and notes its progression, which is its multiplied realisation of its increasing separation from its Source. The greater the separativeness, the greater the field (matter) wherein these points appear. Because the divine element in the created has more points, or in other words, more things between it and its Source, it is said that more material objects separate themselves from their Creator. Only when we have looked back at the things we have sensed (these thought forms of the Creator), do we perceive matter. When we look forward to reunion with Him, matter disappears as thought and reappears as spirit.(Phylos)

Magnetism- as the odic energy moves back up through the vibrations it has polarities of Electricity (Yin) and Magnetism (Yang).

Nature in its entirety is externalised.(Phylos)

Magnetism is life- not being- for being is of the Ego purely.
Magnetism is one of the conditions of being, manifesting itself in an active state of life
. (548Phylos)

In other words, the material condition which binds the Ego to matter and temporarily renders it finite. All that clings to the Ego is magnetism. Hence life is finite. When we cut loose from magnetism, we are free from condition and have no life, only the being which is, was and ever shall be. (552Phylos)

The processes of all life are carried on by magnetism. Assimilation of food and drink, waste excretion, all vital processes whatever. The magnet is in the cerebellum or back brain, and in the medullary substance of the corporae striatum, a veritable wound magnet. The force which causes the heart to act, the lungs to act, maintains body heat, and so on
is enormous; it amounts to many hundreds of thousands of foot pounds per day. Through occult law nature can be made to parallel this magnet, for the universe itself moves only because of the current which flows from positive to negative, from one-half of matter to the other half, continuously.


Odic Force and Magnets and Crystals
The ofic force possesses polarity. It appears at the two poles of the magnet with constantly different properties; at the northward it produces a sensation of coolness in the feeling as a rule, in the pass downard, and in darkness a blue and bluish-grey light; the southward pole, on the other hand , a sensation of tepid warmth, and a red, reddish yelloiw, and reddish-grey light (Reichenbach221).

Odic force and crystals