Rascettes and the Lines of Travel          

The Rascettes, or Bracelets, are the lines which cross the wrist at the base of the hand (548). Sometimes there are three, and there may be only one. In practice I have found them of little use, especially any save the first one. There are traditional indications, handed down from the older palmists, ascribing the addition of thirty years to the life of a subject for each Bracelet seen. I have failed to find any confirmations of such indications, and never use them as bearing upon longevity. There are other traditions concerning signs found on the Bracelets which experience has proven fallacious, and which I will not enumerate.
The first Bracelet, if deep, adds an additional confirmation to other indications of a strong constitution. With a deep Life line, a deeply cut Rascette will prove an added strength. If the Rascette poorly marked, chained, or broad and shallow, the constitution of the subject is not so strong.
- If short branches rise from the Rascettes, it indicates a rising tendency in the life of the subject, ambitious efforts, and a desire to improve.
Long branches which rise high into the Mount of the Moon have been called "Travel lines," and read to indicated journeys. These lines increase the restlessness and desire to travel which belongs to a Lunarian subject, and there is no doubt that such a subject will improve every opportunity of travel which come to them. From such a point of view these Travel lines can often be quite successfully used, long lines indicating more restlessness and longer journeys.

When Travel lines are seen, the type of the subject will help to use them correctly. The Lunarian is the most anxious to travel, the Mercurian next. The Martian, Apollonian, And Jupiterian all like travel to some extent, but most often make journeys with the idea of improving their material success. The Saturnian will travel in search of knowledge, and the Venusian purely for pleasure. Spatulate tips with Travel lines are the strongest possible confirmatory companions.
- If the hand be very soft, however, the travels will often be mental ones. I have seen a branch from the Life line to a Travel line (549) indicate the time when a subject retired from business, changed his thoughts from business to books, and mentally traveled a great deal, though actually taking few journeys. These Travel lines must be treated as a part of the Rascettes, for they rise from the first one. One other indication of the first Rascette will complete its usefulness. When this line rises in the center (550) it indicates a delicacy of the internal organs contained in the abdomen; in women most often the procreative organs, and constitutes a danger to them in maternity. If evidence of female weakness appear on the lower Mount of Moon, or in the Mercury line, the bulging Bracelet will add a strong confirmatory indication. These are valuable as remarriage indications, denoting the probability of a fruitful marriage. While these marking do not show absolute sterility they show a defective condition of the parts which will produce the same results.


The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading- A practical Treatise on the Art Commonly called Palmistry 1946 Benham, William. Printed and published by R. J. Taraporevala for D. B. Tarporevala Sons & Co. Bombay