Santalum album.   Sandalwood, Mysore sandalwood, East Indian, Sandalwood   Family: Santalaceae  
Eucarya spicata- Australian sandalwood
The plant parasitises the roots of other tree species, with a haustorium adaptation on its own roots, but without major detriment to its hosts. An individual will form a non-obligate relationship with a number of other plants. Up to 300 species (including its own) can host the tree's development - supplying macronutrients phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, and shade- especially during early phases of development. It may propagate itself through wood suckering during its early development, establishing small stands.

PART USED: Heartwood, and the oil distilled from it
GROUP: The Urinary System- Antiseptics- Diuretic
1. Antiseptic.[1,2,3]
2. Bitter tonic.
3. Expectorant.
4. Sedative.
5. Thymoleptic.
6. Antispasmodic.
7. Astringent.
1. Urinary tract infections and Cystitis.
2. Leukorrhea. Chronic Infections with mucousy discharge. Gonorrhea.
3. Pharyngitis, laryngitis.  Chronic bronchitis. Dry coughs. Tuberculosis.
5. Anorexia. Dyspepsia, gastritis. Hiccoughs. Vomiting. Colic. Diarrhea.
Infusion or Decoction   10-20 g of wood.[2]
Powder  250 mg-1 g.
Liquid extract 2-4 ml.[4]

PART USED: Steam distilled essential oil.
A common ingredient of perfumes and cosmetics.
1. Diuretic.[4]
2. Antiseptic.[4]
1. Infections of the lower urinary tract.[4]
 Local- Blended in carrier oil for:
    -Dry skin. Cracked chapped skin. Acne. Oily skin.. Itching and inflammation. Wounds.
    -Bronchial cough and sore throats, and apply to the throat chest and neck.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Diseases of the parenchyma of the Kidney.
Therapeutic bath.
Blended in skin or facial oil- for especially cracked, chapped, itchy or dry skin.
Volatile Oil  3-6 drops for a maximum of 30 days.[1] 1-1.5g essential oil/day for at most 6 weeks.[2]
Isolated oil of Sandalwood should be used in an enteric form.[2]
Oil BPC 1949 0.3-1 ml.[4]

ORIGIN: India, Asia and Australia.
DESCRIPTION: The height of the evergreen tree is between 4 and 9 metres. They may live to one hundred years of age. The tree is variable in habit, usually upright to sprawling, and may intertwine with other species. The reddish or brown bark can be almost black and is smooth in young trees, becoming cracked with a red reveal. The heartwood is pale green to white as the common name indicates. The leaves are thin, opposite and ovate to lanceolate in shape. Glabrous surface is shiny and bright green, with a glaucous pale reverse. Fruit is produced after three years, viable seeds after five. These seeds are distributed by birds. Wood; yellowish in color, and with a characteristic fragrant odor.
Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.

Santalol has antibacterial and sedative properties.