Arachis hypogaea  花生 Huā shēng  Peanut   Family: Leguminosae       
Nature- neutral      FLAVOR: Sweet    CHANNEL: Spleen, Lung.
1. Lubricating the Lung.[3]
2. Regulating the Stomach.[1,2] Good for stomachache.[3]
3. Arresting bleeding.
1. Used to treat dry cough.[1,2,3]
2. Regurgitation. Upset Stomach.[3]
3. Beriberi.[1,2,3]
4. Galactostasis.[1,2,3]
5. Recently treating bleeding diseases of the internal organs and hemophilia.
Damp Cold conditions, lingering diarrhea.[1,2] Eating large quatities of peanuts is considered harmful to the digestive functions and to the skin.[3]
PREPARATIONS: - Seed - To be eaten raw, parched, cooked, or decocted for oral administration.[2] Boil or raw.[1] The outer layers of peanuts should not be removed if possible when peanuts are used in a remedy, unless otherwise specified.[3]

- Relieve beriberi and to promote milk secretion- Fry 3 cups roasted peanuts until aromatic; soak 1 cup rice (any kind except sweet glutinous) in water for at least 2 hours; drain and add the peanuts and boil together in water until they become soft to make peanut rice congee soup. Drink the soup once a day.[3]
- Stimulate the appetitie, lubricate the intestines, and relieve a dry cough- Roast peanuts and eat them.[3]
- Relieve a cough with mucous discharge- Consume fresh peanuts.[3]
- Relieve beriberi- Boil100 g fesh peanuts with an equal amount of small red beans and red dates. Drink as soup at meals.[3]
- Promote milk secretion after childbirth- Boil 100 g peanuts with 1 pork foreleg. Eat at meals.[3]
- Relieve beriberi- Boil 1 glass peanuts with 3 glasses water over low heat for 3 hours; add a little rock sugar, and drink it on an empty stomach.[3]
- Relieve deafness- Consume fresh peanuts on a regular bases to relieve deafness.[3]

花生油 Huā shēng yóu  Peanut Oil
Main use is as a food and cooking oil.
Nature- neutral   FLAVOR: Sweet
1. Lubricate the smooth out the intestine, push down accumulated Qi.[1]
1. External application- Itching and wet sensations of the scrotum region- Use a cotton ball to apply peanut oil to the area, 5 or 6 times a day, without washing with water.[3]

[1] A Complete English Dictionary of Medicinal Terms in Chinese Acupuncture and Herbalism 1981 - Henry Lu Chinese Foundations of Natural Health- The Academy of Oriental Heritage, Vancouver, Canada.
[2] Medicated Diet of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Chief Editor- Hou Jinglun. Associate Editors- Zhao Xin, Li Weidong, Liu Jianxin, Geng Chun-e, Li Guohua, Li Shaohua. Geijing. Science & Technology Press 1994. ISBN 7-5304-1735-5/R. 309.
[3] Chinese System of Food Cures Prevention and Remedies. 1986 Lu, Henry. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. New York. USA. Distributed in Australia by Capricorn Book Co. Pty Ltd. Lane Cove, NSW. ISBN 0-8069-6308-5.
2. by Blacknclick GFDL 1.2

Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally