Acalypha australis  TIE XIAN CAI- "3 Seeded Copperleaf"    Southern copperleaf   Family: Euphorbiaceae    
PART USED: Dry parts above ground
Nature- coolFLAVOR: Bitter. and sharp, harsh
1. Clear Heat and Detoxifies.[1]
2. Benefit Dampness.[2]  Constrict.[2]
3. Stops bleeding.[1,2]
1. Damp-Heat- Bacterial dysentery.[1] Enteritis.[1] Diarrhea.[1] Dysentery.[2]
2. Bleeding- Epistaxis.[2] Hematemesis.[2] Hemafaecia.[2] Hematuria.[2] Vaginal bleeding.[2] Bleeding wounds.[1]
PREPARATIONS: Decoction. Dry part above ground 15-30 g.[1,2]
The fresh product can also be crushed and used as a poultice.[1]

HABITAT: Found growing wild along roadsides, edges of fields, mountainsides.
DESCRIPTION: Annual herb 50 cm in height. Stem; branching, longitudinally striped, scabrous. Leaves; alternate rhombic-ovate, ovate-lanceolate or elliptical, apexes acuminate bases cuneate, margins denticulate at base, sometimes the whole margin. Bloom; in summer, small axillary flowers appear in a short spikelet inflorescence. Flower buds; shell-like, deltoid semi-spherical capsule contained inside the bud, hence the name "oyster holding a pearl".

[1] Barefoot Doctor's Manual - 1977 Prepared by the Revolutionary Health Committee of Hunan Province. Original Chinese manual- Victor W. Sidel. Originally published by Dr Joseph Quin and the Fogarty International centre, Bethdesda (1974). Madrona Publishers Seattle Washington ISBN 0-914842-52-8
[2] A Complete English Dictionary of Medicinal Terms in Chinese Acupuncture and Herbalism 1981 - Henry Lu Chinese Foundations of Natural Health- The Academy of Oriental Heritage, Vancouver, Canada.
1. By Dalgial (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
2. [1]
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