YU DAI WAN- Leukorrhea PillsLeukorrhea Pills  Yù dài wán           
GROUP: Resolve Damp Heat
1. Tonfies Kidney and Nourishes Blood, clears Damp Heat and promotes circulation, arrests vaginal discharge.
1. Blood deficiency with Dampness or mild Damp-Heat obstructing the Lower Jiao:
White, yellow or pink vaginal discharge T- red tipped with thin yellow or white coat P- soft rapid
APPLICATIONS: Vaginal infections- candida, trichomonas etc, fibroid adnexitis, endometritis, salpingitis, chronic pelvic inflammation
Rehmannia glutinosa- 熟地黃 Shú dì huáng- Cooked rehmannia
Paeonia lactiflora- 白芍 Bái sháo- White peony root
Angelica polymorpha- 当归 Dāng guī- Angelica
Ligusticum chuanxiong川芎 Chuān xiōng- Szechuan lovage root, Cnidium
Phellodendron chinense- 黄柏 Huáng Bǎi- Phellodendron
Alpinia officinarum- 高良薑 Gāo liáng jiāng- Galangal rhizome
Ailanthus altissima 臭椿 Chòu chūn- Ailanthus altissima- Tree of heaven bark
CONTRAINDICATIONS: White, thin vaginal discharge, which is due to Cold
COMMENTS: This formula is designed to treat leukorrhea due to Dampness and Blood deficiency