YANG YIN JIANG YA FANG- Achyranthes & Cassua  FormulaAchyranthes & Cassia 养阴降压方 Yang yin jiang ya fang          
1. Tonifies and nourishes the Liver and Kidney, subdude Yang hyperactitiy, extinguishes internal Wind, promotes diuresis.
1. Yin Deficiency with hyperactitiy of Yang: Headache, dizziness or vertigo, poor sleep, sensation of heat rising to the head T- red P- wiry and rapid.
APPLICATIONS: Hypertension
Cassia tora- 决明子 Jué míng zĭ- Cassia seed
Achyranthes bidentata- 怀牛膝 Huái Niú Xī- Two toothed amaranthus
Ligustrum lucidum- 女真子 Nü zhēn zǐ- Waxy Privet
Dendrobium nobile- 石斛 Shí Hú- Noble Orchid
Zea mays- 玉米须 Yù mǐ xū- Corn silk, The tassle off the top off a cob of corn
Poria cocos茯苓 Fú líng- Hoelen wood fungus
BAI SHAO- Paeonia lactiflora
GOU TENG- Uncaria rhynophylla
Chrysanthemum morifolium- 菊花 Jú huā- Mulberry leafed Chrysanthemum flower
Eucommia ulmoides- 杜仲 Dù zhòng-  Eucommia
Alisma plantago- 泽泻 Zé xiè- Water plantain tuber, Alisma
Taxillus chinensis-  桑寄生 Sāng jì shēng- Mulberry Mistletoe
Deficient Yang patterns, excess patterns.
This is a modern formula which has been designed to treat hypertension by using both TCM and Western principles