XIAO ER NING YE CHONG JI- Teething formulaUncaria & Poria  Xiao er ning ye chong ji                
Group: Calm Spirit
1. Clear Heat and soothes irritability, calms the Shen and alleviates fright.
2. regulates the Stomach and Intestines and promotes digestion.
1. Disturbance of the Shen due to heat, Qi stagnation with accumulation in the Stomach and Intestines:
Disturbed sleep, irritability, restlessness, pain in the gums, loss of appetite, scanty urine, dark colored urine, T- red with little coat P- rapid and forceful. There may also be diarrhea or constipation, red patch or patches on the cheeks, fever, nasal discharge, and productive cough.
APPLICATIONS: Disturbed sleep and digestion due to teething
Uncaria rhynchophylla- 钩藤 Gōu téng- Gambir vine
FU SHEN- a type of FU LING- Poria which has a stronger relaxing effect
Paeonia lactiflora- 白芍 Bái sháo- White peony root
GAN CAO- Licorice
Lophatherum gracile- 淡竹叶 Dàn Zhú Yè- Bamboo grass
Juncus effusus- 灯芯草 Dēng Xīn Cǎo- Soft rush
Gardenia jasminoides- 栀子  Zhī zǐ- Cape Jasmine fruit
SHAN ZHA- Hawthorn- Crataegus pinnatifida
Oryza sativa- 谷芽 Gŭ yá- Germinated Rice/Millet
Ophiopogon japonicus 麦门冬 Mài mén dōng- Lilyturf root
Schizandra chinensis, Schisandra chinensis 五味子  Wǔ wèi zi- Magnolia vine fruit
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Spleen invaded by Cold and Dampness pattern
COMMENTS : This formula is designed to treat the consequences of teething. On is the disturbance to the normal sleep patterns due to the pain and discomfort of the gums. The other is the disturbance to the normal regulation of the digestive system due to the eruption of the gums, the gums being related to the Stomach and Intestines.