Clematis & Stephania 舒經活血湯 Shū jīng huó xuè tāng- "Relax the channels and invigorate the Blood decoction"       
1. Nourishes Blood, promotes Blood circulation, Expels Wind Dampness
2. Unblocks the Channels, relieves Bi syndrome (rheumatic and arthritic disorders).
1. Wind Damp Bi syndrome: Joint pain, stiff neck, general body aches
2. Lower back pain, abdominal pain, menstrual pain, cold and numbness or stiffness of extremities, reduced joint mobility.
Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic lumbago, sciatica, gout, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, chronic pelvic inflammation, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea.
Paeonia lactiflora- 白芍 Bái sháo- White peony root
Angelica polymorpha- 当归 Dāng guī- Angelica
Ligusticum chuanxiong- 川芎 Chuān xiōng- Szechuan lovage root, Cnidium
Rehmannia glutinosa- 生地黃 Shēng dì huáng- Fresh rehmannia
Prunus persica- 桃仁 Táo rén Peach kernel
Atractylodes lancea- 苍术 Cāng zhú- Atractylodes rhizome
Poria cocos- 茯苓 Fú líng- Hoelen wood fungus
Achyranthes bidentata- 怀牛膝 Huái Niú Xī- Two toothed amaranthus
Clematis chinensis 威灵仙  Wēi líng xiān- Chinese clematis
Stephania tetrandra- 漢防己 Hàn fáng jǐ- "Mealy Fang ji" Stephania
Notopterygium incisium- 羌活 Qiāng Huó- Notopterygium root
Ledebouriella divaricata- 防 Fáng fēng- Siler
Gentiana scabra- 龙胆草 Lóng dǎn cǎo- Japanese gentian
Angelica dahurica- 白芷 Bái zhĭ- Angelica root
Citrus tangerina- 陳皮 Chén pí- Aged Tangerine skin
Glycyrrhiza uralensis- 甘草 Gān cǎo- Chinese Licorice
Yin deficiency.
COMMENTS: This is a general formula for Bi syndrome (painful obstruction) that is neither Hot nor Cold.