Ginseng & Danggui Ten  Shi quan da bu wan    
Group: Tonify 
1. Tonifies the Qi, nourishes the Blood and Warms the Yang.
1. Deficiency of Qi and Blood and Yang, deficiency with Cold symptoms: general fatigue, poor appetite, loose stool, cold hands and feet, palpitations, blurred vision, numb extremeities, pale and sallow complexion, lustreless skin, postural dizziness or dizziness ocurring after exertion, shortness of breath, weak voice, and disinclination to talk, low libido, edema T- pale with thin white coat P- thready and weak, possibly slow and deep.
APPLICATIONS: Cardiac failure, anemia, amenorrhea, dymenorrhea, irregular menstruation, uterine bleeding, chronic non healing abscess, postpartum weakness astma, general debility after illness, various chronic diseases.
Cinnamomum cassia- 肉桂 Ròu guì- Bastard Cinnamon
Astragalus propinquus-  黃耆 Huáng qí- Astragalus
+ Ba zhen wan- Ginseng & Danggui Eight Combination.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Excessive syndromes, Yin deficiency and Heat syndromes