Linum & Rhubarb  Run chang wan             
GROUP: Laxative, Purgative 
1. Moistens the Intestines, regulates the Qi, nourishes the Yin and the Blood, unblocks the bowels.
INDICATIONS: Constipation due to Blood and Yin deficiency with stagnation of Qi: Constipation, dry stool, abdominal distantion and discomfort.
APPLICATIONS: Constipation
Sesamum indicum- 黑芝麻 Hēi zhī ma Black sesame seed 5.8 g
Rheum tanguticum- 大黄 Dà huáng- Rhubarb 3.8 g
Angelica polymorpha- 当归 Dāng guī- Angelica 3 g
Prunus armeniaca- 杏仁 Xìng rén- Sweet Apricot kernel 3.8 g
Prunus persica- 桃仁 Táo rén Peach kernel 3.8 g
Citrus aurantium - 枳实  Zhǐ shí- Immature bitter orange 3.8 g
Scutellaria baicalensis- 黄芩 Huáng Qín- Baical Scullcap root 3.8 g
Magnolia officinalis- 厚朴 Hòu pò- Magnolia bark 3.8 g
Glycyrrhiza uralensis- 甘草 Gān cǎo- Chinese Licorice 2 g
Total herbs = 33.6 g