Fritillaria & Figwort 內消漯歷丸 Nei xiao luo li wan     
1. Eliminates phlegm, promotes the circulation of Qi and Blood, dissipates nodules and reduces masses.
1. Phlegm retention with Qi and Blood stagnation: Palpable mass or nodule, discomfort with distending sensation of chest and intercostal area.
Scrofula, lymphocyst, goiter, lipoma, fibroma, fibrocystoma, abdominal mass.
Fritillaria cirrhosa- 川贝母  Chuān Bèi Mǔ- Sichuan fritillaria bulb
Scrophularia ningpoensis- 玄参 Xuán shēn- Ningpo Figwort Root
Astragalus propinquus-  黃耆 Huáng qí- Astragalus
Sparganium stoloniferum三棱 Sān léng- Branched Burreed, Sparganium
Curcuma zedoaria- 莪术 É  shù- Zodoaria
Gentiana scabra- 龙胆草 Lóng dǎn cǎo- Japanese Gentian
Sargassum siliquastrum- 海藻 Hǎi zǎo Seaweed- Kelp
Citrus tangerina- 陳皮 Chén pí- Aged Tangerine skin