Citrus & Crataegus Bao hé wán            
Group: Digestive- Reduce food stagnation
1. Harmonizes and regulates the Spleen and Stomach, reduces Food Stagnation.
1. Food stagnation obstructing the middle Jiao (Stomach and Spleen)
; full and distension of abdomen or abdominal pain, belching, hiccups, regurgitation, loss of appetite, constipation or diarrhea, symptoms aggravated by eating. T- thick or greasy, yellow or white coat. P- slippery or wiry.
APPLICATIONS: Indigestion due to overeating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, gastrointestinal upset.
Pinellia ternata- 半夏 Bàn xià- Pinellia
Poria cocos茯苓 Fú líng- Hoelen fungus
Citrus tangerina- 陳皮 Chén pí- Aged Tangerine skin
Forsythia suspensa- 连翘 Lián qiáo- Weeping forsythia
Raphanus sativus- 萝卜子 Luóbo zǐ- Radish seed
Hordeum vulgare- 麦芽 Mài Yá-  Malt, Germinated barley
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Gastric and abdominal distension due to deficiency Syndromes.
COMMENTS: This is a neutral formula for gastric and abdominal distention and poor digestion. Combine with different formulas for different digestive problems.