
Acupressure points:

Lung channel
Letting Go (Lu 1) In the valley between the shoulder joint and the chest, 2 finger widths bellow the collarbone.
Great Abyss (Lu 9) In the groove at the wrist fold below the base of the thumb.
Fish Border (Lu 10) On the palm side of the hand in the center of the pad at the base of the thumb.



Large Intestine Channel
Joining the Valley (LI 4) In the webbing between the thumb and index finger, at the highest spot of the muscle that protrudes when the thumb and index finger are brought close together.


Crooked Point (LI 11) Outside end of elbow crease.



Outer Arm Bone (LI 14) Lower point of the deltoid muscle.

Welcoming Perfume
(LI 20) On eithercheek, just outside each
 nostril at the level of the inferior edge of the nose, in the nasa- basilar groove



Stomach channel
Four Whites (St 2) One finger width below the lower ridge of the eye socket in line with the center of the pupil.
Facial Beauty (St 3 )
At the bottom of the cheekbone, directly below the pupil
Jaw Chariot (St 6) Between the upper and lower jaw on the masseter muscle that bulges when the back teeth are clenched.
Breast Window (St 16) Directly above the breast tissue between the third and fourth ribs.
Breast Root (St 18) One rib space under the nipples.
Calf's Nose (St 35) Just below the kneecap in the outer indentation.
Three Mile Point (St 36) Four finger widths below the kneecap, one finger width to the outside of the leg.


Severe Mouth (St 45)  On the outside of the base of the second toe nail.

Grandfather Grandson (Sp 4) On the arch of the foot, one thumb width in back of the ball of the foot.


Three Yin Crossing (Sp 6) A palm width above the inner anklebone close to the back of the shinbone.

Shady Side of the Mountain (Sp 9)



Sea of blood (Sp 10)  3 finger widths above outside of kneecap.
Rushing Door (Sp 12) and Mansion Cottage (Sp 13) Both these points are in the pelvic area where the leg joins the body.
Abdominal sorrow (Sp 16) Below the edge of the rib cage one finger width in from the nipple line.

Heart channel
Spirit Gate (Ht 7) On the little finger side of the forearm at the crease of the wrist.

Small Intestine channel
Heavenly Appearance (SI 17) In the indentation directly below the earlobe and behind the jawbone.
Listening Place (SI 19) Directly in front of the ear opening in a depression which will deepen when the jaw is open.

Eyes Bright (Bl 1) In the hollow at the inner corner of the eye just above the tear duct.
Drilling Bamboo (Bl 2) In the indentations ousted of the bridge of the nose on the inner edge of the eyebrows.
Penetrate Heaven (Bl 7)  On the top of the skull, in a line upward from the back of the ears, one thumb width from the center.
Heavenly Pillar (Bl 10) One finger width each side of spine, just below skull.
Lung Associated (Bl 13) One finger width below the upper tip of the shoulder blade, between the spin and the scapula.
Sea of Vitality (Bl 23 & Bl 47) 2 and 4 finger widths away from the spine at waist level.
Sacral Points (Bl 27-34) Base of spine.
Vital Diaphragm (Bl 38)
Between the shoulder blades and the spine at the level of the heart.
Womb and Vitals (Bl 48) One to two finger widths outside the sacrum, and midway between the top of the hipbone (iliac crease) and the base of the buttock.

Vital Diaphragm (Bl 38) Between the shoulder blade and the spine, one rib below the shoulder blade spine.

Commanding Activity (Bl 39) On the outside of the knee, where the crease ends when the knee is bent.
Commanding Middle (Bl 40) In the center of the back of the knee crease.
Supporting Mountain (Bl 57) Half way up the calf, in the center of the muscle, just as the calf muscle begins to expand.

High Mountains (Bl 60) Opposite Ki 3, in the hollow between the outer anklebone and the achilles tendon.
Calm Sleep (Bl 62) In the first indentation directly below the outer anklebone. This hollow is 1/3 the distance from the outer anklebone to the bottom of the heel.

Reaching Inside (Bl 67) On the outside of the little toe, at the base of the toenail.
Womb and Vitals (Bl 48) One to two finger widths outside the sacrum, midway between the top of the hipbone and base of the buttock.

Bubbling Spring (Ki 1) 2/3 of the distance from the heel to the ball of the soul.

Bigger Stream
(K 3) Midway between the inside of your
anklebone and the achilles tendon in the back of your ankle.


Blazing Valley (Ki 2) In the middle of the arch of the foot midway between the outer tip of the big toe and the back of the heel.
Illuminated Sea (Ki 6) One thumb width below the inside of the anklebone.
Nourishing valley (Ki 10) On the inner edge of the knee crease, in the hollow between two tendons.
Elegant Mansion (Ki 27) Between the collarbone and the first rib, just outside the breastbone.

Heavenly Pond (PC 1) One thumb width inside the end of the inside crease of the arm pit.
Crooked Marsh (P 3) On the inside of the arm at the lower end of the elbow crease when the arm is bent.
Intermediary (PC 5) One palm width above the center of the inner wrist crease, between the tendons.
Inner Gate
(PC 6) In the middle of the inner side of the forearm between the two tendons,  3 finger widths from the wrist crease.
Big Mound (P 7)  In the middle of the inside of the wrist crease.

Triple Warmer (Sanjiao)
Active Pond (TW 4)  Follow the outside of the arm to the hollow in the center of the wrist at the crease.

Outer Gate (TW 5) On the outside of the forearm, midway between the two bones, 2 1/2  finger widths below the wrist crease.
Shoulder Meeting Point (TW 13) On the outer surface of the upper arm, one thumb width in back of the base of the upper arm muscle and two finger widths higher up toward the shoulder.
Heavenly Rejuvenation (TW 15)  On the shoulders, midway between the base of the neck and the outside of the shoulders, one finger width below the top of the shoulders.
Wind Screen (TW 17)
In the indentation directly below the ear lobe and behind the jawbone.



Window of Heaven (TW 16) In the center of the back of the head in the large hollow under the base of the skull.
Ear Gate
(TW 21) In front of the Ear, one finger breadth above SI 19.

Gall Bladder channel
Reunion of Hearing (GB 2) In front of the ear, one finger breadth below SI 19.

Gates of Consciousness (GB 20) Below the base of the skull, in the hollow between the two large, vertical neck muscles, about a palms width apart.

Shoulder Well (GB 21) On the top of the shoulder, directly on the muscle, half way between the mid line and the shoulder tip.


Middle of a  Person (GB 26) Two thirds of the way up from the upper lip to the nose.
Jumping Circle (GB 30) 1/3 of the way from the hip joint bone to the sacrum.

Sunny Side of the Mountain (GB 34) On the outside of the lower leg, below and in front of  the head of the fibula.


Wilderness Mount (GB 40) In the large hollow directly in front of the outer anklebone.
Above tears (GB 41) On the top of the foot, one thumb width above the webbing of the fourth and fifth toes in the groove between the bones.

Travel Between (Liv 2) At the juncture of the big and second toes.

Bigger Rushing (Liv 3) On the top of the foot- between the big toe and the second toe.

Crooked Spring
(Liv 8) On the inside of the knee, where the crease ends when the knee is bent.

Conception Vessel
Gate Origin (CV 4) A palm width below the belly button.
Sea of Energy (CV 6) Two finger widths directly below the belly button.

Center of Power (CV 12) Half way between the belly button and the bottom of the sternum.

Heaven Rushing Out (CV 22) At the base of the throat in the center of the collarbones.

Sea of Tranquility (CV 17) In the center of the breast bone, between the nipples.

Governing Vessel
Wind Mansion (GV 16) At the Top of the Spinal column under the base of the skull.
Posterior Summit (GV 19)  One thumb width behind top of head (GV 20).

One Hundred Meeting Point (GV 20) On the very top of the head. Can be located by moving vertically upward from the top of the ears, and finding the midline.


Anterior Summit (GV 21) One thumb width in front of top of head (GV 20).
Third Eye Point (GV 24.5) Directly between the eyebrows.

Ding Chuan (Extra) To the side and a little above the vertebra that protrudes at the top of the spin when the head is tilted downward.